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We have For Sale**




Simulation Games


Desert Rats

The British 8th Army vs Rommel's Afrika Corps



Punched counters
Contents are in Very Good Condition
Looks like they punched it, prepared to play, but never actually did.
Some counters with writing on back (Designating real units?)

Box has some wear, clear tape on corners, but solid.




Desert Rats:

Desert Rats is a simulation, for two players, of the famous campaign fought in the Western Desert between December 1940 and December 1942, between the British (and British Empire's) Eighth Army and a German/Italian Army commanded during much of the campaign by General Rommel. Players take it in turns to move their pieces around the mapboard showing that portion of Egypt and Libya where the campaign was fought, engage enemy units in combat, and pursue a variety of specified objectives. Before commencing play, the players agree between themselves to start the game at one of a number of given 'start dates' and play up to one of a number of given 'stop dates,' thereby giving a game anything from three to 25 game turns in length

Includes commando raids, ambushes, flank attacks, massed tank battles, fortifications, hidden movement, heroic sacrifices, sieges, etc...

Halfaya Pass, Sidi Barani, Tobruk... Can you as Rommel outwit the numerically superior British? Can you as Montgomery stop him at Alamein? History is in th emaking as you take the command decisions in this exciting battle game!


Desert Rats - Another Chance to Make History






Game Box


Black Horse Games

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