Not Another Pirate Radio Documentary !

MP3Data DVD Disk

over 20hrs

R Kent - Gavin Lawrence (14.08.90) 23rd MOA Anniversary Phone-In Show (Pt 1) (30mins)
R Kent - Gavin Lawrence (14.08.90) 23rd MOA Anniversary Phone-In Show (Pt 2) (30mins)
R Kent) - Gavin Lawrence (14.08.90) 23rd MOA Anniversary Phone-In Show (Pt 3) (30mins)
R Kent) - Gavin Lawrence (14.08.90) 23rd MOA Anniversary Phone-In Show (Pt 4) (30mins)
R Kent) - Pirate Radio Phone-In (1997) Cash, Skues, Sutch, Moore. (55mins)
BRMB - Graham Webb Remembering The Pirates and Radio 270 Date Unknown 45mins
BRMB - Remembering The Pirates and Radio 270 Date Unknown 45mins
Capital 'Adios Mi-Amigo' 1980 Caroline Documentary (Part 1 ) 30mins
Capital 'Adios Mi-Amigo' 1980 Caroline Documentary (Part 2 ) 30mins
Capital  Tony Windsor Looking back To Big 'L' 12.07.82 (Part 1 ) 45mins
Capital  Tony Windsor Looking back To Big 'L' 12.07.82 (Part 2 ) 15mins
County Sound Gold - (14.08.88) MOA 21st Anniversary Show (Pt 1) (30mins)
County Sound Gold - (14.08.88) MOA 21st Anniversary Show (Pt 2) (30mins)
LBC  - Phone-in with Bob Harris, Charlie Wolf, Johnnie Walker (45mins)
Orchard FM - When Pirates Ruled The Waves (August 1992) (Part 1) (30mins)
Orchard FM - When Pirates Ruled The Waves (August 1992) (Part 2) (30mins)
Radio 210 - Thames Valley 29.09.87 Justin Dean Pirate Radio Documentary 30mins
Radio 210 - Thames Valley Mike Read 15.08.77 Pirate Radio talk & Phone In
Radio Mercury - Pirate Radio 'Phone In' Ian Davidson Talks To Ed Stewart 18.08.87 (Part1) 30mins
Radio Mercury - Pirate Radio 'Phone In' Ian Davidson Talks To Ed Stewart 18.08.87 (Part2) 30mins
Radio Orwell - Documentary on The Pirates Stations (45 mins)
South Coast Radio - John Lewis & Don Stevens  Commenorate the 1967 MOA (Part 1) 30mins 
South Coast Radio - John Lewis & Don Stevens  Commenorate the 1967 MOA (Part 2) 30mins 
South Coast Radio - John Lewis & Don Stevens  Commenorate the 1967 MOA (Part 3) 30mins 
South Coast Radio - John Lewis & Don Stevens  Commenorate the 1967 MOA (Part 4) 30mins
Manx  Radio Caroline History (Peter Moore & John Reece) 1993 (Part 1) 60mins
Manx  Radio Caroline History (Peter Moore & John Reece) 1993 (Part 2) 60mins
RTL France (234kHz) - La Saga des Radios Pirates Anglaises (03.05.09) (0000-0100hrs) (Part 2) 60mins
RTL France (234kHz) - La Saga des Radios Pirates Anglaises (03.05.09) (2300-0000hrs) (Part 1) 60mins
Various - American Documentary on Pirate Radio (1970) Station ID Unknown (30mins)
Various - Documentary The Mi-Amigo 1973 - 1980 (Part 1) (45mins)
Various - Documentary The Mi-Amigo 1973 - 1980 (Part 2) (45mins)

With The Offshore or Pirate Radio enthusiast and/or Collector in mind.

The majority of the presenters or DJs in these recordings are unfortunately deceased and the stations have long since closed down or ceased trading, hence their historical nature.

If you are in any doubt please contact me before considering purchase.

All the recordings and photographs I have on offer through ebay are from my own personal collections and to the best of my knowledge do not breach any copyright, trademark or intellectual property rights. Should you feel there is a copyright or intellectual property rights issue with any of the items, please, in the first instance contact me by email with documentary evidence that you are the intellectual property rights, trademark or copyright owner.

If satisfactory ownership evidence is provided I will remove the item immediately and offer an apology for the error.

This does not impact or your ability to complete a claim through Ebays VERO programme.

Please Note that documented legal evidence of ownership will be required for the VERO claims process, including ownership registration documents.

It is not our intention to intentionally breach any copyright, trademark or Intellectual property ownership and we will be happy to discuss this with the proven owner  of the intellectual property, trademark or copyright.

  Note to eBay; These recordings are also licensed under the terms of the GNU License, the GNU Lesser Public License or the Mozilla Public License . To the best of my knowledge they are in the Public Domain these items do not infringe any copyrights, trademarks or any other rights including Ebay’s listing policies or spam policies. If anyone believes that there are copyrighted materials included in the collection please contact us direct or through the Ebay VERO programme with evidence of copyright and the said items will be removed with immediate effect.