This antique Japanese Kutani teapot is a masterpiece of porcelain and pottery craftsmanship. The teapot boasts a beautiful multi-color design with a stunning red and gold phoenix art painted on it. This teapot hails from the Kutani region of Japan and was made between the years 1850-1899. It is a true representation of the region's artistic history.

    The teapot has been well-maintained and cared for, and it is now ready to find a new home. It is perfect for collectors of antiques and Asian antiques, and will be a great addition to any teapot collection. The teapot is in excellent shape and will bring years of enjoyment to its new owner.

    Beautiful, handmade and excellent condition! The capacity is 400 ml.The height is 4 inches.

    公元十七世纪末,“九谷烧”曾一度停止生产,古九谷烧在元禄之后虽一时中断,到了文政七年由大圣寺的富商吉田屋(丰田传右卫门) 策划再兴,而在九谷建窑。

    文政八年窑移至交通方便的山代温泉的越中谷,到了天保年间又因经营者换手而 变为宫本屋窑。而山代窑到了庆应二年(1866年)受到来自京都的永乐和全的指导,因此这个时 期的产品又称作九谷永乐,和全虽在山代只停留了五年,却使九谷烧有了技法上极大的进步。

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