
Black Horse Games & Collectibles has For Sale**

(1 Box)SR


Superior Models Inc.


Collector's Take Special Note


1:2400 Waterline
Wargaming Model

American Cold War Navy

A-20 : OLIVER HAZARD PERRY Frigate Class
(2 per box)


This line has it roots in the Authenticast/Comet models that were used in World War II for the recognition training of lookouts and pilots. Many have been upgraded and improved with finer detailing. The scale is 1"=100' which means that the model of a battleship that was 800' long, would be 8" long. This is perfectly compatible with 1:1250 (1"=104') models. The models are cast in fine lead-free American pewter and come in kit form. Assembly required consists of placing gun turrets in holes in the deck, crimping the turret stalks and gluing on cranes and catapults ("Crazy Glue" is fine). A "needle" file can be used for smoothing any "burrs" along the hull. Any modeling paint can be used for finishing. They are especially prized by naval wargamers because of their durability.

To review, the term "waterline" means that the models sit on a flat surface looking as though they are sitting in the water. That is, they have no bottom hull.

Superior Models is now owned and the models produced by Alnavco. Not all models will be in stock at all times so please name alternates whenever you can and/or maintain a "ship when restocked" list of models with us. There are other ships which will be produced on a "Special Limited Production Run" basis. These include World War I and Spanish American War vessels, Japanese Maru's, auxiliaries, mine warfare ships and 'generic" merchant ships. 



Miniatures NEW in 1980 Packages

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