Neem oil bulk organic 100% pure unrefined cold pressed 32 oz / 1 quart plant skin hair

Top Of The Top Quality you will never feel disapointed. THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR!

This listing is for the most powerful Neem

Due to the severe shortage of packaging bottle or jar could have different shape or color 

Neem oil comes from the tree Azadirachta indica, a South Asian and Indian plant common as an ornamental shade tree. It has many traditional uses outside of the insecticidal traits. For centuries, the seeds have been used in wax, oil and soap preparations. It is currently an ingredient in many organic cosmetic products too.

Neem oil can be extracted from most parts of the tree, but the seeds hold the highest concentration of Azadirachtin Content

Shelf Life: Users can expect a shelf life of 2 year with proper storage conditions (cool, out of direct sunlight). It may go cloudy in cool conditions but will return to its natural state once warmed.

We buy our products from organic certified supplier, made with organic ingredients.

Special Note: We’re currently in the process of updating our store and products so some product images and labels may vary from actual products received.

FDA does not allow this seller to claim that any product can treat, cure or prevent disease, or affect the structure or function of the body including hair and skin.


Warning: Before purchasing please note that all information contained within Nectar Of Beauty store and this page are for reference purposes only and are not intended to substitute the advice given by a pharmacist, physician, or any other licensed health-care professional. Our products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease.All our products are for external use only. Unless your Medical Doctor allow you to use this product it should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or under the care of a medical practitioner. The information on this page is has been compiled from published sources and is provided only as a guide.Although every effort has been taken to ensure that information published on this page is correct and up to date, Nectar Of Beauty LLC cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information presented, and accepts no liability in respect of any omission or error. The customer should always satisfy themselves as to the ultimate suitability of a product for an intended application. Nectar Of Beauty LLC accepts no liability in the unlikely event of an adverse reaction occurring when using one of its products. All facts, details & recommendations on our page are provided for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace the advice of professionals.Our products are not a medication, and we can only make recommendation for suitability of our products in certain conditions.Any recommendations accepted by a purchaser are accepted entirely at the purchasers risk.By purchasing our products you accept responsibility to check with a professional before using any products that may interfere with drugs or medical conditions.By purchasing our products you recognize and accept the fact that that some natural ingredients, essential oils in particular, may still cause sensitivity in susceptible individuals and that Nectar Of Beauty LLC will not be held responsible for such occurrences.We encourage those with sensitive skin to make a patch test on the skin for possible reactions.Nectar Of Beauty LLC accepts no responsibility for incorrect use of information or products.