The New Evangelical Family Bible; or, a complete Paraphrase, Exposition, and Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Containing A New and Beautiful Edition of the whole Sacred Texts of the Old and New Testaments, Correctly and Distinctly Printed at Large: Fully Explained and Illustrated With Copious Notes and Annotations, Doctrinal, Critical, Historical, and Experimental: Wherein the Mis-translations are Corrected; the seeming Contradictions Reconciled; former Errors Rectified, the Objections of Atheists, Deists, Arians, Socinians, and Free-thinkers Answered; difficult Passages Explained; and the Sacred Writings Displayed in their genuine Purity and Lustre. Together with Practical Observations and suitable Reflections on every Chapter, From the Beginning of Genesis to the End of Revelation. Embellished with Large Elegant Scripture Prints, finely engraved on Copper.

von Priestley, Timothy:

Priestley, Timothy:
Verlag / Jahr
London: Printed and Published under the immediate Inspection of the Author. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Alex Hogg., 1792.
Format / Einband
39 cm, gebundene Ausgabe, Leinen. VI,[7],8-1080 Seiten, 89 Illustr., Frontipiz;
ca. 6200 g
Zustand: Buch mit starken Gebrauchs- und Lagerspuren bzw. Beschädigungen. Einband mit privatem Leineneinband, ursprünglich Leder. Leineneinband berieben, bestoßen und eingerissen. Gelenke gebrochen, Bindung aber intakt. Die ersten und letzten Seiten geknickt und mit Einrissen. Papier gebräunt und teils fleckig, der größte Teil der Seiten aber gut erhalten. Die "Instructions to the Binder" legen nahe, dass jedes Exemplar der Bibel getrennt gebunden wurde und dass wahrscheinlich keine zwei Exemplare genau gleich sind. Keine genaue Jahresangabe im Buch, aber lt. Eintragung in der Oxford Dictionary of National Biography und dem Jahr des Vorwortes vermutlich 1792 erschienen. 54
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The New Evangelical Family Bible; or, a complete Paraphrase, Exposition, and Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Containing A New and Beautiful Edition of the whole Sacred Texts of the Old and New Testaments, Correctly and Distinctly Printed at Large: Fully Explained and Illustrated With Copious Notes and Annotations, Doctrinal, Critical, Historical, and Experimental: Wherein the Mis-translations are Corrected; the seeming Contradictions Reconciled; former Errors Rectified, the Objections of Atheists, Deists, Arians, Socinians, and Free-thinkers Answered; difficult Passages Explained; and the Sacred Writings Displayed in their genuine Purity and Lustre. Together with Practical Observations and suitable Reflections on every Chapter, From the Beginning of Genesis to the End of Revelation. Embellished with Large Elegant Scripture Prints, finely engraved on Copper.

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