NOTE: If you cannot find the spell you seek, you can contact me first, if I can do that spell for you. All you have to do is buy one of my "Customized Spells" and I will do the spell you wish. Please contact me first. Thank you. 

Here is a list of a few curses or hexs.**Buyer, please note there are lot more that are not on the list. There is over 100,000 of them.** 

Defender's Zeal
You gain Energy whenever target foe hits with an attack on you or love one.

Target foe cannot attack you or love one.

Scourge Enchantment
Damage to anyone casting an enchantment, spell, curse or hex on you for target foe.

Reduces this foe's primary attribute to 0.

Whenever target foe tries to use a shout, chant, spells, or hex on you it will criple them.

Corrupt Enchantment
Removes one good spell from target foe.

Defile Defenses
Damage to the foe the next time target foe blocks a spell, curse or hex.

Energy loss for target foe.

Health degeneration.

Icy Veins
Cold damage to foes. They will never feel warmth.

Insidious Parasite
Damage Health to foes whenever target foe hurts you. Phiscally or otherwise.

Life Siphon
Foe's health degenerates and your heath regenerates.

Mark of Subversion
Target foe's spell, curse, or hex fails and you steal their health.

Foes can no longer hurt you. It hurts them instead.

Spinal Shivers
Damages Foe's spine.

Foe suffers in pain, in life and in death.

Ulcerous Lungs
Foe has lung damage. May cause lung cancer.

Vocal Minority
Foe suffers from speaking. May Cause Throat Cancer.

Weaken Knees
Foe suffers from pain in the knees, legs and ankles.

There are different types. Bacially puts is a monster or demon in the foes head to make them do evil things (The evil depends on what you want them to do.) 

Crippling Anguish (PvP)
Crippling a foe forever.

Crippling Anguish
Crippling a foe for weeks, months, or up to a year. Depending on you.

Ether Nightmare (PvP)
Foe has nightmares forever.

Ether Nightmare
Foe has nightmares for weeks, months or up to a year.

Foe feels guilty for what he or she did forever.

Foe has Migraines for weeks, months or up to a year.

Migraine (PvP)
Foe has migraines forever.

Foe feels shamed and humiliated. 

Blurred Vision
Foe's vision becomes blurry.

Mark of Death
Foe will get a mark (Bruse, bite, cut, scratch ect) that will kill them.

Here I can offer you the opportunity to have me, a White Witch and expert and experienced Spell caster personally cast your own powerful Banishing Spell.
After making payment CONTACT ME on Ebay and submit your details. You will need to provide:

Your name
Date of birth
Brief outline of desired outcome from the Spell and your story
Once you have decided to have a Spell cast by me and I have all the details I need I will prepare to cast for you as soon as possible. 

I look forward to casting your Spell on your behalf. The moment I cast a Spell for you it immediately begins working on your request. After the Spell has been cast I will send you notification that I completed and cast your Spell.

There is no free cleansing spell for this order. 

Now you just need to expect the Magic to begin…

The law requires me to state that the contents are for entertainment purposes only. 
sychic, tarot and spell casting services cannot be a substitute for professional, legal,
medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care, where appropriate.

You must be at least 18 years old to make any purchase from me.