16mm film “Palmy Days” 1931 Eddie Cantor Excerpts only

unknown print stock

black and white reversal dupe.

Has opening and closing credits of feature.

Approx 1100 feet. 28 minutes of feature excerpts only.

Has black face segment.

Sound and picture are very nice! Maybe made

from 35mm print? Track is variable density.

Perhaps your print is missing the scenes?

Or you want these scenes on film. Here's

a nice clean reversal sound print.

Ships on a 1200 foot metal can and reel set used.

NOTE: This may have been printed for a TV news

station for a documentary about Cantor? Two

parts of this footage were used or rolled into

something else, as these editors tape strips feel off

print during examination & cleaning.

There will be some dried tape residue

over these six spots. No Vinegar.