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Bamboo Tea

Traditional Chinese medicine uses bamboo for its health benefits and one way is by brewing tea from the leaves. The tea is made from the young leaves of the plant. That tea is very healthy.

Bamboo Tea Benefits

1. Promotes Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails

2. Prevents Alzheimer’s

3. Has Antiviral and Antibacterial Properties

4. Rich in Antioxidants

5. Helps Strengthen Bones and Teeth

I’m delighted to tell you that preparing some healthy bamboo leaf tea at home is easy. You can brew your tea with either dried leaves.

Here is how to make tasty bamboo tea from dried leaves at your home :

1.      Cut and take the leaves into small pieces with scissors or knives.

2.      Fry the leaves in a pan or toast them in the oven until they turn brown.

3.      Add some water and the leaves to a saucepan and bring to a low boil. Let it steep for a few minutes.

4.      Transfer into a teapot and let sit for a few more minutes.

5.      Pour into cups and enjoy the subtle grassy, naturally sweet flavored tea or sweeten with natural honey.


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