Brabantia compatible drawstring bin liner fit perfectly with Simple human style waste bins. We offer different litreage of these bin liners on eBay and Eco 360 Hygiene range. All of which include 20 snug fit bin liners in each bag with colour coded hand tie draw strings depending on the litreage of each bag. The draw strings make for easy closing, transporting and prevents leakage. Made from a minimum blende of 90% recycled plastics and are 100% recyclable material with . The outer packaging is now made from minimum of 30% recycled material. To keep the earth a greener, happier and most importantly healthier place to live for all creatures inhabiting this planet with us.

    • Our 20L Drawstring kitchen bin liners are compatible with Brabantia ‘F’ & Simple Human ‘D’ bins Pack of 20 Bags
    • Our 30L Drawstring kitchen bin liners are compatible with Brabantia ‘G’ & Simple Human ‘G’ bins Pack of 20 Bags
    • Our 50 60L Drawstring kitchen bin liners are compatible with Brabantia ‘H’ & Simple Human ‘P’ bins Pack of 10 Bags