SALE 30 children's filmstrips. 

Diamonds in the Taiga 1961
Archimedes Vovka Grushkina 1959
Bogatyr Erte Bergen (Yakut fairy tale) 1959
In the land of arctic foxes and deer 1959
Vanka. Story. For children 1969
News Comes Like This 1965
Will to live 1962
Funnel. A story for children 1951
Prison uprising 1961
Shake 1964
Gavrash based on the novel Les Misérables by V. Hugo 1962
General Toptygin. M. Nekrasov. A story for children 1965
Heroine of the Chinese people Liu Hu-lan 1959
Clay elephant for preschool children 1959
The Blue Arrow after Gianni Rodari 1965
City underground 1959
Two cheats. Kazakh fairy tale. 1960
Two flights 1953
Two snowballs. Story for children 1959
Banners of the squad 1960
History of the notebook 1963
How they searched for Natasha. S. Marshak story for children 1959
How Nikita fell ill 1962
Vacation 1962
Goatling gray ear 1962
Red buoy. Based on the story by S. Grigoriev 1969
Lusik Lisinova 1960
Maxim machine gunner. For children 1959
Little Cuban Nino 1965

International tracking provided.