Goodknight Fabric Roll-On Protect your family from mosquitoes, throughout the day...

 *   100% Natural Active
 *   Pediatrician certified as baby safe
 *   Easy 4 dots application on clothes
 *   8 hour protection
 *   Available in Mild Bloom Fragrance

A revolutionary way to keep mosquitoes away outdoors

Each bottle of Goodknight Fabric Roll-On consists of pure citronella and eucalyptus oils.
 *   4 Dots on Clothes

Just apply 4 dots of the non-staining formula on clothes for complete outdoor protection.
 *   8 Hour Protection
 *   Pediatrician Certified as Baby Safe

It is absolutely safe for children and babies:-
*  For 0 to 2 month old babies, apply on prams, cots or strollers. 
*  For babies older than 2 months, apply 4 dots on clothes as directed.


We deliver/ship products worldwide by India Post. Product will be directly shipped from India.  We ship all the items within 4 business days post receiving confirmed payment. The product will be delivered within 3 to 4 weeks may be arriving more quickly depend upon the Country’s customs and delivering office.


Any duties/taxes occur in your country, buyer needs to handle payments.  Price of the product does not include any type of duties and or taxes.


All products listed are in our possession. Pictures may show effects/shadows due to light conditions. Actual color of the product due to camera resolution and light effect.


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