Bible Story HV07 Obedience to the Death of Isaac's Sacrifice ~1960 Mural 97x66cm

Bible Story HV07 Obedience to the Death of Isaac's Sacrifice ~1960 Mural 97x66cm

No.L979 HV07 (PA592)

Herder Verlag, ~1960, 68x98cm plus sticks

Genesis Genesis, Luke, Matthew, Exodus, Chapter, Verse etc. Bible story in 80 pictures, Herder-Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, ca. 1950s, ~68x98cm, or 98cm x 68cm, copies partly reinforced with linen at the edge, individually for sale, printed paper, partly reinforced with linen, if this is the case, the short sides are reinforced inside the linen fabric with a small metal rod, is called/ sent on a roll, rarely torn off or pasted over, sometimes with 1 photo, 1 photo without flash, the quotes can be easily found online in various Bible translations

as NrL979 all can be searched / found in my own shop, the series is listed here, HV01 only finds one, HV 01 finds all, this no longer works in the ebay shop because HV01 or bible history searches

HV 01 And God saw that it was good GEN 1 25

HV 02 I saw Satan come down from heaven like lightning LUK 10 18

HV 03 Then God said to the snake, I will put enmity between you and the woman GEN 3 15

HV 04 Suppress the lust for sin GEN 4 7

HV 05 I make a covenant with you GEN 9 9

HV 06 Melchsedech, a priest of the Most High bringing bread and wine GEN 14 18

HV 07 He was obedient unto death PHIL 2 8

HV 08 They sold Joseph for twenty pieces of silver GEN 37 28

HV 09 But the Lord was with Joseph GEN 39 21

HV 10 Joseph, savior of the world GEN 41 45

HV 11 I pulled him out of the water EX 2.10

HV 12 The place where you stand is holy ground EX 3.5

HV 13 It is the passing of the gentleman EX 12.11

HV 14 The Lord will fight for you EX 14,14

HV 15 Manhu-Manna, You gave them bread from heaven PS 77.24

HV 16 I am your Lord, your God EX 20,2

HV 17 And the glory of the Lord filled the tent EX 40:32

HV 19 As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the...

HV 20 The Lord said: Anoint him, for this is it! 1. KINGS 16:1

HV 21 But Nathan said to David, You are the man! 2. KINGS 12:7

HV 22 The Temple of Solomon 3.KÖN.6

HV 23 The Lord is the true God! 3 KINGS 18:39

HV 24 So also the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the bosom of the earth. MT 12:40

HV 25 God saves and delivers DAN 6:28

HV 26 This is the victory that overcomes the world: Our faith 1JO 5,4

HV 27 It shall be done to me according to Your words LUK 1:36

HV 28 You are blessed among women LK 1, 43

HV 29 They found Mary and Joseph with the child lying in the manger LUK 2:16

HV 30 This is intended for the fall and resurrection of many LK 2:24

HV 31 They fell down and worshiped MATTH 2:11

HV 32 He took the child and his mother and fled to Egypt MT 2:14

HV 33 Didn't you know that I must be in my father's house? LUK 2.49

HV 34 You are my beloved son according to Mark 1:11

HV 35 Soft Satan MT4,10

HV 36 master, where do you live? Come and see JO 1. 38.39

HV 37 He revealed his glory JOH 2:11

HV 38 My zeal for your house consumes me JO 2:17

HV 39 ..but whoever drinks of the water that I give him will never be thirsty JOH 4,14

HV 40 He cast out the spirits and healed all the sick MATH 8, 16

HV 41 From now on you shall be the fisher of men LK 5:10

HV 42 get up, take your bed and go home MT 9:6

HV 43 Then he opened his mouth and taught you to be blessed. MATH 5.2,3

HV 44 Follow me to MT 9.9

HV 45 oh Lord, I am not worthy that you come under my roof MT 8:8

HV 46 Your sins are forgiven you LK 7, 48

HV 47 The seed is the word of God LK 8:11

HV 48 Be still, be silent MK 4, 39

HV 49 All ate and were filled MATH 14:20

HV 50 Lord, save me MT 14:30

HV 51 The bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world JO 6:51

HV 52 You are Peter MT 16:18

HV 53 This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased, you shall hear him MT 17:5

HV 54 Go and do the same! Luke 10:37

HV 55 Blessed are those who take part in the meal in the kingdom of God! Luke 14:15

HV 56 Rejoice with me, I have found my sheep that was lost LK 15:6

HV 57 I will arise and go to my father LK 15:17 And he went to a far country LK 15:13 Father I have sinned LK 15:21

HV 58 Now he is being comforted, while you are being tormented LK 16:25

HV 59 I am the resurrection and the life JOH 11:25

HV 60 He who exalts himself will be humbled, he who humbles himself will be exalted LK 18, 14

HV 61 Let the children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven is for them MT 19:14

HV 62 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord Hosannain the height of MT 21.9

HV 63 Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, but to God what is God's MT 22:21

HV 64 Come, you blessed ones of my Father, take possession of the kingdom MT25,34

HV 65 Take and eat, this is my body. .. this is my blood MT 26:26-27 Do this in memory of me. Luke 22:19

HV 66 Not my will but Your will be done LK 22:42

HV 67 Are You the Son of God? Yes, it's me MK 14, 61,62

HV 68 Now Peter remembered the word of the Lord and wept bitterly LK 22, 61, 62

HV 69 He was crushed because of our sins IS 53.5

HV 70 My face did not turn away from those who insulted and spat at me IS 50.6

HV 71 He gave you Jesus to be crucified MT 27:26

HV 72 Then they led Him out to the crucifixion MT 27:31

HV 73 It is high treason JOH 10:70..

HV 74 Joseph took the body and laid it in a new grave MT27.59/60

HV 75 Tear down this temple and in three days I will build it up again JOH 2:19

HV 76 Receive the Holy Spirit whose sins you will forgive, you are forgiven JOH 20,22,23

HV 77 Feed my lambs, feed my sheep JOH 21:15,17

HV 78 Go into all the world and teach all peoples and baptize them MT 28:19

HV 79 He parted from them with blessings and ascended into heaven LK 24:51

HV 80 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit Acts 2:4


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Genesis Genesis, Luke, Matthew, Exodus, Chapter, Verse etc. Bible story in 80 pictures, Herder-Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, ca. 1950s, ~68x98cm, or 98cm x 68cm, copies partly reinforced with linen at the edge, individually for sale, printed paper, partly reinforced with linen, if this is the case, the short sides are reinforced inside the linen fabric with a small metal rod, is called/ sent on a roll, rarely torn off or pasted over, sometimes with 1 photo, 1 photo without flash, the quotes can be easily found online in various Bible translations as NrL979 all can be searched / found in my own shop, the series is listed here, HV01 only finds one, HV 01 finds all, this no longer works in the ebay shop because HV01 or bible history searches HV 57 I will arise and go to my father LK 15:17 And