We are a genuine stockist for all brands we carry. This means all items we sell are 100% authentic brand items; we do not sell any counterfeit/fake/replica items.

Please note that since Brexit, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the EU VAT union. As we ship from The Netherlands, we sell our products excluding Dutch VAT to UK customers, so we have taken out 21% out of our regular price. However, this means you may be liable for import VAT (20%) and duties (varying range) for your order upon entry in the UK. If applicable, the shipping courier will bill you for these charges. For clarity; import charges are imposed by HMRC and the courier bills recipients. The bill would specifically not be for shipping charges. Please note this does not apply to motorcycle helmets as they are exempt from VAT in the UK and as such you will not have to pay import costs for a helmet.


Why choose the Daytona Ac4 Wd Black White?

The Daytona AC4 WD Shoe/Sneaker is part of ChromeBurner’s protective footwear collection. What is not to love about a great motorcycle shoe? They are comfortable, an eye catcher for style gurus and above all much safer than your daily pair of sneakers. Motorcycle Shoe/Sneaker are an important piece of your gear, they protect your feet and finish your outfit and you can wear them all day! This is exactly what the AC4 WD provides! This Shoe/Sneaker fills the gap between style, protection and comfort and will therefore especially cater to the needs of Urban/Street riders. However, if the AC4 WD are not right up your street, check out our other motorcycle Shoe/Sneakers from Daytona.

Daytona AC4 WD construction

These Shoe/Sneakers are not as technically advanced or as stiff as racing or motocross type boots, and that's fine. They don't need to be, the AC4 WD gets you ready to ride without sacrificing everyday function and comfort. Do not worry though, they are compliant with CE requirements for motorcycling and provide the needed protection in form of an Ankle cup. Besides protection, the AC4 WD provides No waterproofing and in terms of ventilation they are equipped with Mesh panels making them perfect for your Summer riding gear collection. The Laces ensure a good fit and secure closure.

Daytona AC4 WD looks

The AC4 WD can be worn both on and off the bike, it is important you feel comfortable wearing them and that they fit your style no matter what you are doing. That's why the AC4 WD are available in Black, White If this is not the color you are looking for don't worry we have plenty of other color options for the AC4 WD right here!


Size chart

Please note a size chart only contains numbers. It is impossible to capture the shape and fit of a product in a size chart. A size chart does not guarantee a perfect fit.