Any all Radionic devices must first function when person turns very slowly 1st intensity dial at left, then when tap into frequency Hz of a test object in the witness well is the front copper coil ( example; Aluminum Al, has a rate anywhere from 16 to 100 depends on purity 99 % of a metal, so gradually turn 1st dial until a "Stick" reaction is sensed, is a subtle sensitive static mild electric shock. When get "Stick" reaction, mark this dial at this point with an average of 16 to 100, so between these 2 numbers is about 42. Then any other tested object adheres to this pattern, so to get rate charts manuals links   file:/// F:/Mattioda Complete Manual.pdf    file:  ///E:/pdfcoffee.com_hieronymus-machine-plans-by-bill-jensen-3-pdf-free.  pdf   Societies use results of Radionic devices    https:  // gray uk/radionic-association/    ( All instructions are in this ad, no instruction paper sheet included, copy paste hold computer pointer over words click then move cursor over words until blue right click copy then paste into documents and/or USB storage hard thumb drive or take screenshot of this ad description and photos ) Doctor Hieronymus called the electronic image signature of test object an "Eloptic" image. This image is stored in this machine, to either transmit example isolate healthy plant spectrum signature image to transmit to unhealthy plants soil or any living creature directly ( photo plant container with rod clip to coil ) Doctor could not find doctor to heal leg used Radionic device to heal leg When used by responsible practitioner has case histories of cur_ ( ebay FDA no allow claims cur_ ebay no allow web links, so research how to use Hieronymus machine ) A few people about 10 % right way get "Stick" reaction, other percentage takes time ( returns offered for a month only ) Computer mouse pointer cursor human interface example how this device functions. Gadgets wrist band connects to computer software to detect medical abnormalities, person has to find reliable medical technique and moreover responsible medical practitioner. Surgeon self hypnosis operated on himself, then later in day attended meeting. Subconscious healing search you tube movie true incident One Step Beyond Ordeal on Locust street ) This machine instead of computer readout, person fingers functions as missing link medical screen read out, can put finger in coil while turning dial to test diagnose self. Device uses both designs original 1930's Atomic Analyzer prism patent and 1950's electronic circuit. Both glass prism and sub electrical Eloptic energy sensors in coil. Spectroscope prism diffraction grating analysis colors determines composition of outer space matter. Hieronymus machine works almost same as subconsciousness water stick drowsing pendulum, Hieronymus machine hypothetical diagram flat form works almost as an Ouija board and Radionic version wish gadget dual antenna wish out to universe, wish in from universe, example manifest money relies on concentration. Bio feedback brain waves device static sound frequency Hertz Hz changes to lower pitch when achieve Delta is basically same for Radionic machine detects frequency changes in object test well ( ebay no allow web site links pdfcoffee. co_hieronymus machine plans by bill jensen 3 pdf free, Mattioda Complete Manual downloads, so research on line and ebay no allow frequency Hertz Hz machine Ri__ sold on ebay, so research online and on you tube frequency Hertz Hz machine R_f_ can free download software convert computer to frequency Hertz Hz machine R__e, the Timur has no download viruses, also list heal frequencies. Can instead of hear frequency, instead connect speaker wires directly to electrodes so frequency Hertz Hz current flows directly into body exactly where aliment is. Have to prevent wire electrodes contacting or amp short out ( get cheap amp or amp with fuses ) 9 volt battery ( not included ) before hand may charge 2 or 3 rechargeable batteries or 9 volt battery alkaline or battery adapter ( not included ) set at 9 volt or 12 volt for clip adapter ( included photo ) adapter MUST be plugged into surge suppressor corded outlet or obtain 9 volt REGULATED adapter. Toggle switch rod off is in towards plate, toggle switch rod on is out towards coil ( all adapters plugged in uses electricity can be half dollar per month, so unplug adapters when not in use, plugged in wears out electronics ) These reference techniques is my adaption. These features led finger flicker and jack to connect external power amp are not present in other radionic devices, only this device. Must set volume to zero, then gradually increase to use with this device external amp connects to test hand on plate ( photo shows jack at side to connect mini power amp about 100 watt maximum about $ 15 on ebay, not guitar amp loud speaker P.A. to removable for other uses Tesla plate hand / finger post. Photo shows how to connect power amp to frequency Hz electrodes rings or ground rod clip to Tesla purple plate spiral ring and to Lakhovsky copper spiral ring ( see my seller other items ) for either ground body or for frequency Hz direct through body disconnect speakers photo shows how to connect clips to any type phono plug ( not included about $ 5 on ebay or connect wires to clips without phono plug ) MUST switch off device and remove 9 volt battery before connect amp. Dr Hieronymus notes read keep device away from metal and off machine. Photo Tesla plate is negative -, copper wire red is positive + jack to connect Bifilar Tesla coil antenna ( on ebay about $ 50 ) ( photo jack included push pin down then insert wires push pin up for solid connection inserted wires ) Machine has copper wire for fingertip to stroke back and forth to sense 'Stick" and hand palm plate is a removable Tesla plate to use as patent Tesla filed, purple human energy field, notes, plates can be any color, example, yellow food heals yellow color stomach. Tesla plate can be useful with color is effective. Molecules pyramids on metal surface. Pyramid has a funnel function shape V collects energy free in outer space, Tachyon, Scalar, Chi, etc., pass over through in wide pyramid V side and out through the point tip _V collects, concentrates and amplifies subtle energy. Fingertip strokes back and forth or relax finger still to sense 'Stick". ESP test blindfolded, hands in box on cards, when one hand finds identical card fingers "stick" reaction occurs. "Sticky" substance when encounter ghost is Ectoplasm, green slime. Machine must be clean, fingertips must be clean, fingerprints are result oil, so surgeons scrub fingertips to clear out oil, this procedure is essential to conduct milliwatts through fingers or may use electrical conductive gel on fingertip used for biofeedback machines. Fingertip back and forth or still on copper wire illuminates led. Have a dust cover drop cloth over machine when not in use. Clear electronic image with push button switch about 15 seconds or place heavy object not metal on push button switch for 15 seconds or pass over a magnet over machine. Magnets deflect Eloptic, so store magnet ( included ) at least a foot away from a machine. Magnet in shape of ball earth is ideal and colors heal, so a ball shape magnet colorful example, yellow food heals yellow color stomach, is shipped. Doctor Hieronymus notes, do not place machine in direct sunlight, keep machine at least a yard / meter away from electrical outlets power lines, electronics and orient machine towards either East, West, South, North. When hear radio TV the static between stations is solar radiation sound white noise. Can connect a solar cell to an amp to hear Sun. Silver was found to increase subtle sensation stick touch pad, so can use silver pewter ring ( not included ) on finger tip. Grounding anti static electronic wrist band for computer hardware ( not included ) to complete circuit through body to ground facilitates sensation stick touch pad, included 2 inch rod to plug into ground outlet with two 1 1/2 foot cord 2 clips ( photo ) to clip upon ring for finger or toe lowers current felt. Sold are grounding items to ground body direct to grounded outlet is almost same as grounding outdoors helps heal convalescent. Can use the included plug prong ground with extension clips to ground body for health. Obtain a ground meter tester to test outlet is wired safely ( not included photo, electrical receptacle circuit tester 3 prong polarity/ground tester, ebay about $ 5 ) Can connect the two terminals Tesla plate / copper wire on this machine directly to a speaker or microphone jack wire to power amp to speakers to hear "Stick" reaction. Flickering dim led assists to measure between when close to stick reaction. Doctor Hieronymus Atomic Analyzer example was to detect iron in a meteorite. Spectroscope prism analysis color spectrum outer space objects. Place prism in coil shines between lines ( photo shows prism included to put in coil ) two line coil copper wires form two lines as in a prism spectroscope in Doctor Hieronymus patent ( photo ) Illuminate test coil to shine on inanimate test objects reflect to prism. Quartz crystal in copper coil ( photo ) is in machine directs energy flow. Any powered wire has an extended electrical field aura. Potato insert two electrodes into ends lights a milliwattt bulb. Induction coil on this machine taps into electrical field aura of test object to amplify signal. Can use glass jar not plastic inhibits Eloptic energy, to put in coil to test liquids. Dried dehydrated unhealthy specimen can be tested to determine why unhealthy, healthy undried hydrated liquid live specimen best test. When get stick reaction, some take time, then when can set dials use measured lines on paper then tape around dials ( then set the rate dials for 9-49. This means 9 on the left dial, 49 on the right dial. With this rate you will be testing the general vitality ( life force ) of a subject in the witness. Rate intensity dials can be considered 1 tune, 2 fine tune, 3 amplify, tuning in on exact frequency of test object is the scientific patent. Then can refer to Doctor Hieronymus Eloptic Medical Directory. Lakhovsky copper coil emits natural electricity about average to voltage ampere in human body cells. Keep copper wire gap apart 1 / 8 inch seen in photo copper antenna bottom and top. Can use coil to purify water place cup drink on copper coil sort of same way removable Tesla palm plate on device can use to energize water / food, do not place liquids on device, place liquids only in glass jar in sensor coil. Full Lost Cubit - ( 23.49 inches ) 177 MHz frequency, Full Sacred Cubit - ( 20.6 inches ) 144 MHz frequency. Average Lost and Sacred cubit is 21.5 inches. Radionic box wish in from universe antenna counterclockwise widdershins ( photo antenna cone ) wish out to universe clockwise ( photo clip to antenna outer end wire and other end clip on finger copper wire ) either ways flip over spiral clockwise on opposite side to be counterclockwise on mirror ( not included ) or push spiral coil out ( Professor Lakhovsky copper coil 1 / 8 gap purifies water place cup on coil ) to stand as an antenna ( $ 100s elsewhere ) Either switch off device reply on human sub electricity transmitted via finger copper wire to power antenna or switch device on dual operation wish while scan test coil. Visualize wish not cartoon, real 3 dimensional envision scenario. Old Wive's tale "Wish upon a star then countdown backwards from 50 repeating wish 50 times, beads prayer has 50 beads, self hypnosis repeat suggestion 50 times gets attention subconscious ( "Id" I.D. called by Doctor Psychology Sigmund Freud ) or rather is super consciousness                                                                                                                                                                                     Prepare a sample to put in the well – Get a small Pyrex test tube that will fit in the well. Make sure it is cleaned out. Only handle it with tissue from now on. Place it in the well. Neutralize it for 15 seconds to clear it of previous influences. Obtain a sample of the plant or animal to put in the bottom of the test tube. Use clean scissors or swabs to gather samples such as leaf ends, hair, fingernail clippings, saliva on a swab (let dry before analyzing) Miraculously you can use a photo print or Polaroid of the subject in the well as long as the negative has not been destroyed. Not a digital print though, no one has tested that method. Their signature works as well                                                                                                                                                          Diagnosis – In the Eloptic Medical Directory, look up the 2 rates for the condition you want to check for. Set the Rate Dials for this condition and location. The machine does not need to be turned on for Diagnosis. With your right hand, move your fingertip in a circular pattern to see if you get a stick reaction. That means the condition exists. If it does exist (stick) you can now determine the intensity of the condition. With your left hand on the intensity knob, slightly turn the knob clockwise till the stick in your swirling right fingertips goes away. Each full revolution of the intensity dial adds 100 to the amount shown on the scale. Remember to restore the Intensity knob counter clockwise when you are done. If you have problems with getting a stick reaction, try rate 9-49 which is general vitality. A live subject always has vitality, so you should get a stick reaction with the intensity set at zero (fully counter clockwise)
                                                                                                                                                                 Diagnosis – In the Eloptic Medical Directory, look up the 2 rates for the condition you want to check for. Set the Rate Dials for this condition and location. The machine does not need to be turned on for Diagnosis. With your right hand, move your fingertip in a circular pattern to see if you get a stick reaction. That means the condition exists. If it does exist (stick) you can now determine the intensity of the condition. With your left hand on the intensity knob, slightly turn the knob clockwise till the stick in your swirling right fingertips goes away. Each full revolution of the intensity dial adds 100 to the amount shown on the scale. Remember to restore the Intensity knob counter clockwise when you are done. If you have problems with getting a stick reaction, try rate 9-49 which is general vitality. A live subject always has vitality, so you should get a stick reaction with the intensity set at zero (fully counter clockwise)
            Treatment – Choose Rate settings from the Eloptic Medical Directory for the disease you want to treat, or healing rate. With the sample in the well, turn on the machine and do not touch the stick pad. The coil in there is now acting as a radiator which will remotely transmit a beneficial effect corresponding to the settings you have set on the rate dials. Be careful that you set them properly, because a person can be harmed by setting the wrong values. Treat for 15 minutes at each rate, turning off the machine between treatments. Remove the sample from the well when you are done