Zebra Agate Large Crystal Ball 164g measuring 51mm.

Zebra Stone is an efficient grounding stone and a powerful stimulant for artistic creativity. When doing spiritual work, this stone keeps you connected to the earth, feet firmly planted to the ground. With its mix of black and white, connects polarities and opposites – spirit with matter. It also helps us see past the illusions of this world into what truly is. This stone helps protect the aura, benefits endurance and bone disorders.

Historical Folklore

Zebra Stone is often connected to the Chinese concept of yin and yang, or popposed complimentary forces, due to its black and white color.

Zebra Rock, Zebra Jasper, Zebra Marble, and Zebra Agate are all names that have been used for Zebra Stone.


This stone is considered a silicate mineral. It is typically found with a black (or brown) and white striped pattern. Zebra Stone can be found in parts of Africa and Brazil.

Chakra Association

This stone is associated with the root chakra.


You can place this stone in full moon moonlight to energize. It can also be moved through sage smoke or incense, placed in rice, or buried in the earth over night.

Astrological Association

This stone is associated with Libra and Virgo.

Health Folklore

Zebra Stone is said to promote oral health, benefiting the gums and teeth. Its ability to ease pain and sooth muscles spasms also makes it an excellent stone for athletes.