Rooibos Tea – (Redbush) - [Herbal Tea]


A traditional South African brew, rooibos tea is gaining popularity in other parts of the world. Tea-lovers like its flavour, which they describe as smooth and sweet with a hint of vanilla. It also blends well with other ingredients. But there's more to rooibos tea than taste. South Africans have used rooibos tea for medicinal purposes for centuries, and now scientists are looking into its health benefits.

Rooibos tea has zero calories when consumed without milk, sugar, honey, or other added ingredients.


A perfect cup for a perfect start to the day!

Some health benefits of this blend include:

– Energy Booster.

– Inflammation prevention..

– Trace amounts of miners such as Fluoride & Copper.

– Aids digestion and helps warm up the stomach.

– Fights Anxiety and Depression.

– Protects the liver and boosts the immune system.

– Reduces the physical and mental stress.

– Packed with antioxidants.


Rooibos (or redbush) and Honeybush are wonderfully gentle teas used for generations in South Africa to help people sleep. Naturally caffeine free and full-bodied with a sweet nutty finish, rooibos tea has become very popular around the world for its unique taste, numerous health benefits and variety of flavours.

Rich in protective plant compounds, including polyphenols, drinking rooibos regularly may help protect against the oxidative damage associated with diabetes. Rooibos is a rich source of the antioxidant aspalathin, which animal studies suggest helps to balance blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance.


> Fermented leaves of the Aspalathus linearis shrub (Rooibos “Redbush”), 



Suggested Preparation Method

Per 1 cup (250ml) water

1 teaspoon (2 grams) of tea

Water Temperature

95 – 99°C

Steep time

3 – 10 minutes

For a teapot (500-600ml), use 1-2 teaspoons (2-4 grams) of Tea in a loose-leaf tea infuser and place the lid on top for steeping.

Some packaging includes silica gel (desiccant) packet, DO NOT EAT them, do NOT place them in water with tea, they are there to keep the tea fresh. You may keep them with the packaging or discard them after opening the tea bag. We would recommend keeping them in with the loose tea as opening and closing the packaging causes moisture to enter, this will keep the tea fresh & dry. Be advised they could also be a choking hazard for small children.