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Items Specifications :



  • Creator 师傅/庙名: LP NEN /NIEN KamPiRo wat KaSed TungSedTi
  • Years made 年份  : B.E.2556 or 2013 A.D
  • Main Material 原料 : White Alloy (Silvery / Rhodium Plated)
  • Good Effective for : Charming more, Return Relationship, Balance love
  • Size : See on photo, if not clear please email me
  • FrameCase : As Show on listing, if not show please email me

*White magic powerful, No bad side effect.*.

นางเทพจิ้งจอก นางพญาจิ้งจอก 9 หาง หลวงปู่เณรแก้ว คัมภีโร วัดบ้านเกษตรทุ่งเศรษฐี  ตำบลแวง อำเภอโพนทอง จ.ร้อยเอ็ด รุ่น กำเนิดกุมารทอง ขนาดของพระโดยประมาณ ฐานกว้าง 1.0 ซม. X ความสูง 4.0 ซม. ประกอบพิธีมนตราภิเษก วันเสาร์ที่ 28 กันยายน 2556 ณ.ป่าช้าวัดป่าบ้านเปลือย เมือง ร้อยเอ็ด

นางเทพจิ้งจอก 9 หาง ผู้ใดบูชาพกติดตัวไปไหนมาไหน จะเป็นเสน่ห์เมตตากับคนทั่วไป แม้เพียงเห็นหน้าก็ให้ถูกชะตา ติดต่อการงานไม่มีพลาด ได้รับความช่วยเหลืออย่างคาดไม่ถึง มีแต่ผู้คนเอ็นดู พกติดตัวไปค้าขาย บอกราคาไปเถิดลูกค้าใจอ่อนซื้อไม่มีต่อรอง ค้าได้ขายดีมีกำไร พกติดตัวไปเที่ยวแหล่งใดเป็นเสน่ห์ดึงดูดเพศตรงข้ามหลงไหลวนเวียนไม่ห่าง พกติดตัวไปต่างแดนติดต่อเจรจาการใดไม่มีติดขัด  ผู้คนรอบข้างเจ้านายลูกน้องให้ความร่วมมือดีทุกประการ  เสน่ห์เมตตา ต่อผู้คนที่พบเจอ

นางพญาจิ้งจอก9หาง เทวีเทพผู้มีโฉมอันงดงาม มีนะเมตตามหาเสน่ห์ขั้นสูง หลวงปู่เณรแก้ว เทพเจ้าสาลิกาปากดี แห่งเมืองร้อยเอ็ด ได้จัดสร้างวัตถุมงคลเพื่อหารายได้สมทบทุนซ่อมแซมบูรณะปฎิสังขรณ์ถาวรวัตถุและเสนาสนะ ภายในวัดอุดมไพรสณฑ์ที่ทรุดโทรมให้สมบูรณ์และสวยงามดังเดิม หลวงปู่เณรแก้ว จึงได้ดำริจัดสร้างวัตถุมงคลขึ้น คือ#นางเทพพญาจิ้งจอกเก้าหาง เพื่อให้ลูกศิษย์ลูกหาที่เคารพศรัทธาในตัวหลวงปู่เณรแก้วได้มีของดีไว้พกติดตัว โดยเน้นพุทธคุณในด้านเมตตามหาเสน่ห์ มีเสน่ห์แก่เพศตรงข้าม เป็นที่รักใคร่แก่ผู้พบเห็นหรือเจ้านายเมตตาเอ็นดู โชคลาภค้าขายมีกำไร หน้าที่การงาน,การเงิน,การทองเจริญรุ่งเรือง

นางเทพพญาจิ้งจอก9หาง เมื่อบูชาแล้วจงขอในสิ่งที่ปรารถนาและต้องการ ก็จะได้สมหวังอย่างมหัศจรรย์ หลวงปู่เณรแก้ว ปลุกเสกประกอบพิธีกรรม อย่างเข้มขลังพลังแรงฤทธิ์ ประจุมหามนตรา มหาเวทย์ มหาเสน่ห์ มหาเล่ห์มนต์มายา มหาจำแลง นะเมตตาลงสู่นางพญาจิ้งจอก9หาง เพื่อความศักดิ์สิทธิ์ พลังฤทธิ์แรงกล้า ดั่งประดุจมีชีวิตเลยทีเดียว ใครมีไว้บูชาเหมือนได้ดวงแก้วมณีโชติไปครอบครอง ขอได้ดั่งใจหวัง

คาถาบูชานางพญาจิ้งจอก 9 หาง ให้ว่า โอมนางพญาจิ้งจอก 9 หาง สาวงามดั่งเทวี นะมะพะทะ มหามนตรี เทวี มายา เอหิจิตตัง มาเรโส มะมะ ใครเห็นใครหลงมหามนต์มายา นางพญาจิ้งจอก 9 หาง ขอให้คนทั้งหลายหลงมนต์แห่งตัวข้า ขอได้ดังใจ อย่าติดขัดเลยแม่นะ ประทานพรแก่ข้าว่าด้วย นะโมพุทธายะ นะเมติ เอหิ เอหิ ปิยังมะมะ (3 จบ)

เทพจิ้งจอกเก้าหางบูชาได้ทุกเพศทุกวัย ทุกอาชีพ นักร้องนักดนตรี ติดต่อธุระการงาน นักท่องราตรี อาชีพงานกลางคืนงานบริการต่างๆ เป็นต้น

This is a very fine amulet piece, it was incantation and bless with Good powerful magic.

KHATA for this item:MP3 available (Download).

It is a mantras phonetic Praying word to consecrate and control power of this item. If temple give khata with item. I will do it to audio MP3 file and send to buyer within 7day after package ship out. If buyer not received please email to Ask me again.T

The  Amulet & Talisman is any object that is imbued with protective powers, and all cultures have manifestations of such objects.

In the world of Thailand amulet, Many people believe the symbol of Load buddha has the power to ward off evil.  that an object that is inscribed with the word of God, image of Lord buddha and religious narratives, symbol and signs, will protect the person who reads, touches, or sees it.

The surface of an amulet and talismans object can be covered with prayers, signs, numbers, and decorative motifs, and the object is carried in a pocket, or rolled and placed in an amulet case; some talismans are worn as clothin. The most efficacious amulet & talismans are those that are inscribed with prayers that remind people to lord Buddha and his narratives.

The miniature fine art Image. good detail and scale for put inside your home or office for make good luck and by catch FENG-SHUI.

Feng Shui and Buddha image

Whenever you place any object in your home for a feng shui symbol or remedy, be sure you use the right element. For example, a metal Buddha placed in the northern sector of your home is typically an outstanding choice for location. The same statue placed in the east sector of your home won't have beneficial results. In fact, metal in a wood element sector can impede your feng shui design since metal cuts wood. Avoid putting a Buddha statue on the floor; this is deemed very disrespectful. If you opt for a Laughing Buddha, don't forget to rub his belly. While this isn't a requirement, many people claim that rubbing Buddha's belly everyday (the fatter the belly the better) will bring luck and prosperity to all in the home.

NamManPlai or Holy Spirit Oil (Metta) is a super powerful of thailand magic spell .

Famous monk who create will useing spooky oil that come from a corpse ( women death) her spirit will stay inside this oil that help in boosting Congeniality of a person.

  THIS NamManPlai best for help owener solve any problems or bring owner reach goal or success faster than be and more easily.

  So ...if you are person that does not have congeniality in them, he or she will not have much or may not even have any friends. This oil is great essential if you want people to fall in love with you . Also bring you get to naturally attract the opposite sex and have a satisfying love life.

Moreover bless will you get to catch a people's trust, attention and attraction, more than anything else.

More attractive to women than men who are wealthy, famous or good looking, without being any of those things yourself! you may be get to develop great chrisma and become a lot more sexually attractive. Cool Powerful!!!

How to use  NamManPlai? :

This oil for use by anoint a few oil at your forehead or body(Also can mix with your perfumes) every morning for bring you a good day.

If you want to use this oil with lady Use this oil anoint on your body before and mark on lady his body(hand, arm) of that lady every time before start talking .

  Note : the spirit may be drop a powerful down if use this oil with lady who has a bo friend or husband or lover So have to use as often as possible

Spirit of this oil will has strong power when use with lady who not know you before or fist time talk with you.

  importance for this items will has a praying word (pray every time before use) and about praying word (Khata) of this items will send to you after you buy item (i can translate to english or MP3)

  This version available for women and men used.

"NamManplai" is mostly used to mix with metta oil, cream etc. Many people believe with this mixture it will increase the power of the metta oil or cream due to there is some kind of "spirit" involve. There are many versions on how to produce "NamManplai" and I believe the common one are like, BBQ a dead baby or corpse to get the oil, soak the dead baby in water to and wait till they decompose and form a layer of oil above the water etc. Mine version is more detail, taken from book and some advice by guru or archan


师傅首次推出的九尾狐仙布符 非常值得收藏!!!佩戴或供奉九尾狐仙会得到极佳人缘魅力,特旺同异性缘,贵人相助,佩戴者会越来越亮丽迷人。能提升独有强大的女性性感魅力,让你人见人爱,使得身边的男士们对你青睐,成为全场焦点的目光,帮助在短时间内结识心仪男性,如有另一半也能帮助感情和合,使得对方对你更加体贴,比以往更爱你,对你不能自拔,愿意为你付出,尊敬你,并且待你如女王般伺候!!!另外还能提升口才与说服力,让身边的男士都愿意倾听你的话,帮助事业生意,有助于销售. 让顾客永不流失,增加回头客,让男士愿意花钱或是消费在你身上,尤其是需要大量男士顾客的行业,特别适合从事娱乐、美容、美发、夜店、网卖、网红主播的女士,如你需要大量的男士顾客这布符是你必胜的独门法宝!!!


ปีศาจจิ้งจอกเก้าหางมีที่มาจากหลายประเทศ ทั้งจากอินเดีย, จีน และญี่ปุ่น แต่ก็นับเป็นปิศาจตัวเดียวกัน ซึ่งคาดว่าปีศาจตัวนี้น่าจะมีการสืบทอดวัฒนธรรมผ่านจากประเทศอินเดียไปยังจีนตามแนวเส้นทางสายไหม และส่งต่อวัฒนธรรมไปยังประเทศอื่นๆ

More info of the 9 Tails Fox

The 9 Tails Fox  amulet made follow Thailand Buddhist magic were created by Masters, and this power spell magic is in Principle the Same as all other magic which Involve a Ruling god power that dwells within the amulet. The Mind of a monk or Guru or Master that is able to travel the celestial realms can communicate and make agreements with the Devas who they are able to Perceive, and it is as easy to develop a communication line with the Nine Tails Fox, (Same as it is with the famous Kumarn Tong).

The Nine Tails Fox is an old Legendary Demon, known in Thailand, Indian, Koran, Chinese and Japan. they is a mythological creature species that was depicted as having the voice of a human infant. It can be eaten by humans, and those who eat it can be protected from evil. they believed are intelligent beings and possess magical abilities. The more tails has the older, wiser, and more powerful it is. In some story it is said that a fox will only grow an additional tail when it has lived for 1000 years.  When a fox grows its ninth tail, its fur becomes golden or white. These nine-tailed foxes gain the abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world.

the nine-tailed fox was depicted as a beast of fortune which sent by the heavens, they was seen as a sign of fortune, peace and luck. In the royal dynasty, Nine Tails Fox is also the protector of royal blood.

The Fairy Fox : Fox is one of the '5 Fairy in China' to incarnate into human form and have mortal love story. Fox Deity had practiced every 500 years, its tail will split into 2 halves '2tails'. The 9 Tails Fox is the highest State of Cultivation of Fox Deity. Nowadays, many Fox Deity enshrined in China, Taiwan, Japan (known as Inary Deity), Hong Kong and others. Many experienced of Superstars who worshipping Fox Deith have became more attractive (eyebrows & eyes become look like of Fox), good luck & wealthy.

Power of  The Nine Tails Fox

The Nine Tails Fox is an strong Magic Powers and here Willingness to make Displays of her Powers.  Her spell able to enter and possess others, Also able to change its shape and form, Its ability to attract the other sex and seduce them into the bed. She are particularly renowned for impersonating beautiful women.

Other supernatural abilities include possession, mouths or tails that generate fire or lightning, wilful manifestation in the dreams of others, flight, invisibility and the creation of illusions so elaborate as to be almost indistinguishable from reality. Many experienced of Superstars who worshipping Fox amulet have became more attractive (eyebrows & eyes become look like of Fox), good luck & wealthy.

It would require a very Powerful Mind to be able to resist the demonic Enchantress in the sealing of the Agreement to dwell within the item.
Great Masters of Meditation who can develop a large groups of Spirits to become heart of this an amulet.

This  9 tail fox spirit can help in 9 different kind of wealth, especially Attraction love, gambling luck and money rich wealth.

If one suffers from ailing finances due to recession resulting in investment losses, declining assets, joblessness and deteriorating business progress. The 9 tail fox spiritlocket amulet will set your bearings right again so that you can regain your pre-recession values.

Your financial difficulties will change back into positive cash flow, meaning if whoever own you money, you are able to get it back to the rightful owner.

The 9 tail fox spirit can also help in love and attraction, it is able to hypnotise the opposite/ same sex into loving the person and also be faithful to him/her. 

This amulet can be used to initiate a new love, spice up your existing love life and harvest marriage luck. Due to the beauty of the lady fox spirit, she would definitely make the wearer more attractive than before, thus inviting many many potential people into their lives.

Today, almost all Thai amulets enthusiasts are craving to own this 9 tail fox spirit for all kinds of good fortune, divine protection, good health, wealth, prosperity from heaven, double longevity, victory over foes, windfall luck and ultimate good luck.

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Selling agreement : Please double read all before Purchase!!!

  • Ship to world-wide with International REGISTER AIR MAIL has Tracking number provide.
  • If want to upgrade shipping method to register mail (has tracking number). or If want To Put a FRAME CASE fit for this item or do a water proof frame case for this item. please contact me before purchase
  • See my other Whole sale items at here

Stock Photo of item(s).

  • This listing selling with stock photo, So it not actual photo of item in my current stock.
  • Under Multiple quantity selling, i am using stock photo of 1 item to selling many quantity, so your received item(s) may not actual piece as seen on listing but i am confirm there your received will be similar and all significant not much difference between them. 100% guarantee about condition detail will similar as you see.
  • If buyer want to see actual picture of item, it ok. Buyer have to place order and complete payment before, after that just email to me with subject "want to see actual picture if paid item(s)". i will take photo(s) of actual item in current stock and send to you by reply your email. if you saw photo and confirm i will ship out package but if buyer no want to get it, buyer can cancel order and get full refund. (this process may take 2-3 day for take a photo)
  • Due to many type of monitors, the actual color may be a little bit different as shown

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  • If get mistake on received item(s) please give me to resloved this problem by do not open dispute on ebay or paypal, because that will make only delay process.
  • When your received item was damaged on delivery or you have received item(s) that you did not purchase, please contact me immediately. i will resend new one to replacement

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FIND OUT MORE:SEXY DANCING KUMIHO LADY FOX 9TAIL CHARMING RED OIL LOVE KITSUNE THAI AMULET LP NEN BE2556 ALLOY WATERPROOF PENDANT,LP NEN /NIEN KamPiRo wat KaSed TungSedTi,White Alloy (Silvery / Rhodium Plated)B.E.2556 or 2013 A.D,Charming more, Return Relationship, Balance love,Miniature Figure/Statue (LOOB-LOR) !, OIL Mixed Corpse (NamManPlai Minyak Dagu) !!, FOX 9 Tail Talisman !!, Love & Relationship & Sexual, Great Charming & More Mercy  & Assist Patronize , Lucky & Happiness & Peaceful, Power to Command & Prestigious & Mighty &  Honor Leader Boss , *Recommended,

CopyRight RealAmulet 2020 เรียวอมิวเล็ท