For sale

Lulzbot Taz 6 3D printer Upgrades


I printed the following parts in Polycarbonate (PC). Parts are also printed with 25% infill for extra strength.


The following parts are the parts that are directly affected by the heat of either the Nozzle or Bed heater.


This upgrade kit will include,

X carriage

X carriage guide

Y belt mount and clamp


Parts will be ready to fit, brass inserts already in place.


These parts are printed in ABS from factory. ABS has a Glass transition temp of 78c/172.4F. Polycarbonate has a glass transition temp of 112c/233.6F. Glass transition temp is the temperature that the plastic goes soft. 


Through personal use, when printing with more advanced materials that require much higher nozzle temps. Polycarbonate requires nozzle temp of 290c/554 and bed temps of 110C/230F. I would find these parts become out of shape and affect the printer’s ability to print accurately.


Parts will be printed in black by default. I can order different colors if you would like. Red, black, white, and grey are the options currently. But I’ll require 10 business days to get filament and print the parts if you want a different color.

I also have upgraded parts for the Standard .5mm Print head and the 1.2mm Moarstruder.

I understand you could always print these parts yourself, but if you have been effected by the heat and have either a warped X carriage or Y Belt clamp. You may not be able to print these parts as accurately as needed. Or you may not have the ability to print using Polycarbonate for whatever reason.

As with all of my designs, these upgrades where needed due to suffering from material warping.