OZ magazine No.19 (March 1969) Very Rare in Very Fine Condition.

Germaine Greer/Viv Stanshall cover. 

Contents: Germaine Greer/Viv Stanshall on front & back covers, inside front and also Greer intermittently throughout. 

Spike, an article by Richard Neville on Lee Heater and Abbie Hoffmans Revolution for the Hell of it of which Neville states: His strategy I would call the Politics of Play. 

Photo of Noel Redding, Mitch Mitchell & Caroline Coon. Time Out subscription advert. 

Frelimo the Mozambique liberation struggle. 

Food Explosion by David Ramsay Steele. 

Smoking Professor Norman Zinberg talks to Caroline Coon about dope + Krishna Lama licensed dope shop advert. 

Guerilla Psychic Warfare part 2 by G William Domhoff. 

Full page cartoon of piggies. Centrefold poems by Peter Mayer, typography by Alan Rickman. 

Why the Press Councils a Fake with graphic. 

Mozic: The Universal Tongue bath-A Groupies Vision Staff writer Germaine talks to Dr G, a celebrated (and over educated) international groupie, by Germaine Greer.  

You Might Think its a Load of Old Cock, Man, But Thats Your Hangup a review of John & Yokos Two Virgins by Sebastion Jorgenson. 

LP reviews: Led Zeppelin, Rhinoceros, The Concert Ensemble, The Everly Brothers, Murray Roman, Touch. 

Full page photos of Marianne Faithfull as Ophelia and Mick Jagger from the Beggars Banquet sessions. 

Full page photo and quote from the Incredible String Band. 

This Man is Dangerous Detective Sgt Norman (Normal) Pilcher, head of Scotland Yards drug squad. 

The Only Living Dylanologist A.J. Weberman talks to Gordon Friesen + Bob Dylan photo. 

32-page cult magazine that set the ball rolling for so many other publications now common on news stands. 

Groundbreaking & intelligent, at the time deemed 'underground', it tackled issues during the six years of publication that at the time were taboo but are now discussed quite freely. 

A wonderful insight into a world that was changing by the day.

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