easy seriell UART Display

Easy seriell UART 2,4 / 3,5 inch TFT Farb Display 240x320 / 320×480 Pixel 3,3-5V serielle AT Kommandos 

easy serial UART Color TFT Displays © ei-ot ®

easy serial UART Color 3.5 inch TFT Display incl. connector © ei-ot ®

easy serial UART Color 2.4 inch TFT Display incl. connector © ei-ot ®


easy serial UART Color TFT Display Pinout © ei-ot ®

easy serial UART Color TFT Display color table © ei-ot ®



Das Easy seriell UART Display ist wie folgt verfügbar:

  • 2,4 inch TFT Farb Display Set beinhaltet
    1 Stück 2,4 inch 240x320 pixel seriell UART TFT Farb-Display
    1 Stück passendes JST-GH Adapter-Kabel 4-polig
  • 3,5 inch TFT Farb Display Set beinhaltet
    1 Stück 3,5 inch 320x480 pixel seriell UART TFT Farb-Display
    1 Stück passendes JST-GH Adapter-Kabel 4-polig

    Im Vergleich zu typischen I2C oder SPI TFT Displays und Anzeigen benötigt dieses Display lediglich eine serielle UART (3,3V Level) Schnittstelle.

    Im Vergleich zu typischen UART Displays wie beispielsweise Open-Smart, Nextion usw. wird hier kein zusätzlicher Editor benötigt. Die Eingabe zur visuellen Darstellung erfolgt mittels einfachen seriellen AT Kommandos . In Kombination mit etwaigen Level Konvertern wie beispielsweise
    • einem MAX3232 RS232 Level Konverter
    • typischen USB TTL Konvertern wie CH340, PL2303, FT232, CP2102, CH9102, ....
    kann das Display gleichermassen über andere, serielle Schnittstellen betrieben werden

    easy seriell UART Display direkt über die serielle Schnittstelle

    Das 3,5 TFT Farb-Display ist somit insbesondere kompatibel mit
    • ESP8266
    • ESP32
    • Raspberry
    • STM32
    • Arduino (3,3V UART Level beachten)
    • ....
    3,5 inch Farb-TFT Display Lieferumfang
    Im Lieferumfang enthalten
    • 1 Stück 3,5 inch easy UART Farb Display Modul
    • 1 Stück JST-GH Adapter-Kabel 4-polig zum direkten Anschluss
    das Display kann sowohl über die auf der Rückseite befindlichen Lötpads
    • VCC Pad an 3,3-5V Plus
    • TX Pad an RX des jeweiligen Mikrocontroler
    • RX Pad an TX des jeweiligen Mikrocontroler
    • GND Pad an 3,3-5V Minus
    • TEST Pad optional dient lediglich zur Ausführung des Testmodus indem GND angeschlossen wird
    JST-GH Adapter-Kabel 4-polig (BITTE FARBEN BEACHTEN)
    • grün an 3,3-5V Plus
    • gelb an RX des jeweiligen Mikrocontroler
    • schwarz Pad an TX des jeweiligen Mikrocontroler
    • rot Pad an 3,3-5V Minus
    Nachdem das Display mit einer Spannungsversorgung sowie einer seriellen Quelle verbunden ist kann direkt mittels AT Kommandos (siehe unten) die gewünschte, optische Darstellung erfolgen.

    The easy serial UART Display is available in 2 versions:

  • 2,4 inch TFT Color Display Set incl.
    1 pcs. 2,4 inch 240x320 pixel serial UART TFT Color Display
    1 pcs. JST-GH Adapter Wire 4-pole
  • 3,5 inch TFT Color Display Set incl.
    1 pcs. 3,5 inch 320x480 pixel serial UART TFT Color Display
    1 pcs. JST-GH Adapter Wire 4-pole

  • Compared to typical I2C or SPI TFT Displays this 3.5 inch Color TFT Display requires only an UART (3,3V Level) Interface.

    Working principle
    Compared to typical UART Displays like Open-Smart, Nextion, ... this display requires not an additional Editor application. Besides in combination with a MCU the Display could be also operated with a serial level converter such as
    • MAX3232 RS232 Level Converter
    • USB TTL Converter for example CH340, PL2303, FT232, CP2102, CH9102

    easy seriell UART Display directly thru serial interface

    The 3,5 TFT Color-Display supports a wide range of MCU's
    • ESP8266
    • ESP32
    • Raspberry
    • STM32
    • Arduino (3,3V UART Level beachten)
    • ....
    Scope of delivery
    the display set includes
    • 1 pcs. 3,5 inch easy UART Color Display Modul
    • 1 pcs. JST-GH Adapter-Wire 4-pole
    the Display could be connected on backside thru Solder Pads
    • VCC Pad connected to 3,3-5V positive
    • TX Pad connected to MCU RX
    • RX Pad connected to MCU TX
    • GND Pad connected to 3,3-5V Minus
    • TEST Pad optional when TEST Pad is connected to GND the module will display test program
    JST-GH Adapter-wire 4-pole
    • green connected to 3,3-5V positive
    • yellow connected to MCU RX
    • black connected to MCU TX
    • red connected to 3,3-5V Minus
    After Display is connected it could be operated thru AT Commands (pls. refer tables below).
    easy seriell UART 3,5 inch TFT Color Display Features
    Spannungsversorgung 3,3V bis 5V Supply Voltage 3.3 to 5V
    Schnittstelle seriell UART 3,3V Interface serial UART 3.3V
    Auflösung 3,5 inch Version 320x480 Pixel
    2,4inch Version 240x320 Pixel
    Resolution 3.5 inch version 320x480 Pixel
    2.4 inch version 240x320 Pixel
    Speicher 64MB Flash 64MB
    Anschlüsse Connections
    Lötpads VCC
    Solder Pads VCC
    JST-GH Buchse 4-polig VCC
    JST-GH Socket VCC

    serial Port settings
    Baudrate 115200 
    data bits 8
    parity none
    stop bits 1

    serial basic AT commands
    Command <value> Description Return


    returns and display actual Version
    Example Ver()


    sets baud rate for UART communication
    value <baudrate>:
    115200 (default)
    Example BPS(19200)
    baud rate is set to 19200



    clear screen and set background color based on color ID (pls. refer color table)
    value <color>
    from 0 to 63 (based on color table
    Example CLR(1)
    clear screen background color is red



    sets orientation of display
    value <orientation>
    0 = vertical start bottom left
    1 = vertical start top left (default)
    2 = vertical start top right
    3 = vertical start bottom right
    Example DIR(3)
    sets display orientation / start point to bottom right
    Note: only new display items will be affected, display elements after DIR command


    sets display backlight brightness
    value <brightness>
    from 0 to 255 (0 brightest / 255 darkest)
    Example BL(255)
    sets display backlight to dark



    sets a delay of milliseconds before executing next display instruction
    value <milliseconds>
    Example DELAYMS(2000)
    sets a display delay of 2 seconds, after this command all display elements will appear 2 seconds after sending thru UART

    shape drawing commands
    Command <value> Description Return


    draw point command
    values <x,y,c>
    x = x position
    y = y position
    c = color of point
    Example PS(123,45,4)
    drawing a point at x = 123 y = 45 color = yellow

    BOX(<xs,ys,xe,ye, c>)

    draw box command w/o fill only frame
    values <xs,ys,xe,ye, c>
    xs = x start position
    ys = y start position
    xe = x end position
    ye = y end position
    c = color of box
    Example BOX(1,2,134,156,1)
    drawing a box from x start = 1 and y start = 2 to x end = 134 and y end = 156 frame color = red

    BOXF(<xs,ys,xe,ye, c>)

    draw box command with fill
    values <xs,ys,xe,ye, c>
    xs = x start position
    ys = y start position
    xe = x end position
    ye = y end position
    c = color of box
    Example BOXF(1,2,134,156,3)
    drawing a box from x start = 1 and y start = 2 to x end = 134 and y end = 156 color = blue


    draw circle command w/o fill only frame
    values <x,y,r,c>
    x = x center position of circle
    y = y center position of circle
    r = circle radius
    c = color of circle
    Example CIR(150,100,48,2)
    drawing a circle x center position = 150 and y center position = 100 with a radius = 48 and frame color = green


    draw filled circle command
    values <x,y,r,c>
    x = x center position of circle
    y = y center position of circle
    r = circle radius
    c = color of circle
    Example CIRF(150,100,48,59)
    drawing a circle x center position = 150 and y center position = 100 with a radius = 48 and color = purple

    Character / Text commands
    Command <value> Description Return


    draw 16x8 character command
    values <x,y,'str',c>
    x = x start position
    y = y start position
    str = 'String'
    c = color of text
    Example DC16(10,10,'write blue text',3)
    write at x = 10 y = 10 string=write blue text color = blue


    draw 24x12 character command
    values <x,y,'str',c>
    x = x start position
    y = y start position
    str = 'String'
    c = color of text
    Example DC24(10,40,'write red text',1)
    write at x = 10 y = 40 string=write red text color = red


    draw 32x16 character command
    values <x,y,'str',c>
    x = x start position
    y = y start position
    str = 'String'
    c = color of text
    Example DC32(10,90,'write yellow text',4)
    write at x = 10 y = 90 string=write yellow text color = yellow


    draw 48x24 character command
    values <x,y,'str',c>
    x = x start position
    y = y start position
    str = 'String'
    c = color of text
    Example DC48(10,150,'write white text',15)
    write at x = 10 y = 90 string=write white text color = white

    Character / Text with background fill commands
    Command <value> Description Return


    sets font background color based on color ID (pls. refer color table)
    value <color>
    from 0 to 63 (based on color table
    Example SBC(19)
    sets text background to grey


    draw 16x8 character command
    values <x,y,'str',c>
    x = x start position
    y = y start position
    str = 'String'
    c = color of text
    Example DCV16(10,10,'write blue text',3)
    write at x = 10 y = 10 string=write blue text color = blue with background (based on SBC command / default black)


    draw 24x12 character command
    values <x,y,'str',c>
    x = x start position
    y = y start position
    str = 'String'
    c = color of text
    Example DCV24(10,40,'write red text',1)
    write at x = 10 y = 40 string=write red text color = red with background (based on SBC command / default black)


    draw 32x16 character command
    values <x,y,'str',c>
    x = x start position
    y = y start position
    str = 'String'
    c = color of text
    Example DCV32(10,90,'write yellow text',4)
    write at x = 10 y = 90 string=write yellow text color = yellow with background (based on SBC command / default black)

    Button with Text commands
    Command <value> Description Return

    BTN(<x,y,w,h, 'str', style, frame_color, font_color, back_color>)

    draw Button with inner Text
    values <x,y,w,h,'str',style,frame_color, font_color,back_color>
    x = x start position
    y = y start position
    str = 'Button inner Text String'style values = 0, 1, 2, 4, 8
    0 = Button w/o box, plain text
    1 = Button with push down box effect, typical effect of Button press appearance
    2 = Button with lift box effect, typical effect of Button release appearance
    4 = Button border color based on parameter frame_color
    8 = Button w/o undertoneframe_color = color id of button frame
    font_color = color id of text color
    back_color = color id of background colorExample BTN(10,100,120,80,'red text',4,3,1,19)write at x = 10 y = 100 width 120 height 80 button string=red text style = 4 (border color based on parameter frame_color) frame color = blue text = red color with background color = grey

    Color Code / Index