Tarzan Malibu #7 The Beckoning June 1993 Cover and Writer:  Thomas Yeates   Characters: Tarzan, Jane Clayton, Punchy Mulligan, Loc.  Jane’s memory is restored and Punchy overcomes Loc. Genre: Jungle, Adventure

Purchase and give back: Ten percent (10%) of this sale will go to a designated monthly nonprofit organization. For more information, see Shop’s details. 

Comic books will be shipped domestically via US First Class Mail.  Foreign is shipped via Ebay's International Shipping. All comics are in plastic sleeves and shipped in cardboard with tracking for delivery confirmation.

If you are looking for a back issue and don’t see it listed, please feel free to contact us.  

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Please note: We are not comic book dealers and cannot grade nor rate the comic. Comics are described as accurately as we can based on our review and examination of the comic at the time of listing. Any flaws we see will be listed.  Comics are also reviewed a second time prior to shipment.