Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 8 Blu-ray (2022) Jon Pertwee cert 12 8

Title: Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 8 Leading Actor: Jon Pertwee Region: Region B Duration: 775 mins Format: Blu-ray / Box Set Type: Blu-ray No. of Discs: 8 disc(s) Studio / Publisher: Spirit Entertainment UK Release Date: 14 Nov 2022 Edition: Box Set

All five serials from the eighth season of the classic BBC sci-fi adventure drama starring Jon Pertwee as the legendary Time Lord. In this collection the Doctor, assisted by companion Jo Grant (Katy Manning), battles the Master (Roger Delgado), faces off against a horde of golden-skinned aliens who offer the gift of Axonite to mankind and also takes on an ancient horned alien which has been released from a sealed cavern beneath a church. The serials are: 'Terror of the Autons', 'The Mind of Evil', 'The Claws of Axos', 'Colony in Space' and 'The Daemons'.

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