MYTH 2021 

myth | The Seduction of Europe 1 OZ 9999 Proof Silver | high relief 1 oz 9999 Ag 1. motif 

  • In the original capsule & certificate in the floating frame
  • Edition: only 999 worldwide

Myth - The Seduction of Europe

Head held high, a proud woman in the manor rides the powerful bull under the starry sky towards a new future together. This scene from Greek mythology is magnificently captured on the first silver embossing of the company's new Wonderful World Collection "Mythos". None other than the god father Zeus himself carries away the Phoenician princess Europa on his strong back in the fairytale scenery. An epochal event.

In order to seduce the king's daughter from the Orient, Zeus once descended from Greek Olympus, crossed the Mediterranean Sea, and transformed himself into a bull on the shores of modern-day Lebanon. Zeus tested the noble character of the young woman with a feint. Seemingly stuck helplessly in a swamp, the princess saw the bull, promptly fed it flowers without fear and helped the god in bull form to freedom. The divine test was passed with flying colours. Zeus returned to Greece together with the Phoenician woman and fathered three siblings with the eponymous queen of Crete of the continent of Europe. The lovers Zeus and Europa thus created a new lineage that strengthened the liaison between the Occident and the Orient over the centuries up to the Middle Ages of our time.  

The wondrous story of the seduction of Europa from the world of Romano-Greek mythology is often portrayed as the cunning kidnapping of Europa from the Phoenician Empire. Rather, Europe "overcame the horns of the bull with flowers"; means: With the power of nature and love. Europa stands for the feminine power of the moon, who beguiled the over-masculine sun god Zeus with her compassionate gentleness. But Europe not only gave the Europeans the name of their continent with their journey west, but also the art of writing using the alphabet and the shipbuilding techniques of the seafaring Phoenicians. The true core of the myth of the seduction of Europe, however, is the blossoming of the Greek-Oriental culture after the dark centuries at the end of the Bronze Age.

Deeply impressed by this oversized legend of the founding of European civilization, which goes back to the introduction of agriculture in Europe, the Dortmund numismatics producer Le Grand Mint proudly presents the seduction of Europe as an opulent masterpiece of coin design.

Artistically implemented by Carmen Testa, "The Seduction of Europe" forms the glamorous start of the new Wonderful World Collection "Mythos", which will be continued and from now on invites you to collect. The virtuoso designer lives and works in Rome and is a luminary in her field. The Italian artist already designed a series of coins for the 2018 Winter Olympics and is considered an expert on Roman-Greek mythology.

The brand-new precious medal designed by Carmen Testa shows the symbols of the Greek sagas, legends and myths in a detailed manner. The protective, peaceful owl of Minerva stands out on the silver gem just as finely worked out as Zeus, who appears defensive with his divine lightning. The reverse of the Le Grand Mint high relief coin, which has a nominal value of 25 livre, also features the Dortmund-based company's label, which was embossed using the Supreme Minting technology process. The front not only captivates with the dynamic main motif, but also shows the most important star formations of the ancient Greeks, which already showed the beautiful Phoenician Europe the right direction. The portrait of Europa, dressed in a flowing cape, has been delicately worked out in the 999.9 fine silver embossing. Equally fascinating when looking at the magnificent work of art is the galloping, plastically lively bull ridden by Europe under the epochal starry sky. This coin seduces at first glance. 

The newest coinage of the "Wonderful World" silver coin collection will soon be published in the usual high quality in a limited edition. The myth lives. 

Myth - The Seduction of Europe

With her head held high, a proud woman rides the vigorous bull under the starry sky towards a new future together in the manor house. This scene from Greek mythology is magnificently recorded on the first silver coinage of the new in-house Wonderful World collection "Mythos". No less a person than God the Father Zeus himself carries the Phoenician princess Europe away on his strong back in the fairytale-like setting. An epochal event.

To seduce the king's daughter from the Orient, Zeus once descended from the Greek Olympus, crossed the Mediterranean Sea to transform himself into a bull on the shores of today's Lebanon. Zeus tested the noble character of the young woman with a feint. Stuck seemingly helpless in a swamp, the princess saw the bull, promptly and fearlessly fed him flowers and helped the god in the form of a bull to freedom. The divine test was passed with flying colors. Zeus returned to Greece together with the Phoenician woman and fathered three siblings with the namesake of the continent of Europe, who was named the new Queen of Crete. With this, the lovers Zeus and Europe created a new lineage that strengthened the liaison between the Occident and the Orient over the centuries up to the Middle Ages of our time.

The wonderful story of the seduction of Europe from the world of Roman-Greek mythology is often portrayed as the cunning kidnapping of Europe from the Phoenician Empire. But rather Europe overcame "the horns of the bull with flowers"; means: With the power of nature and love. Europe stands for the feminine power of the moon, which with its compassionate gentleness bewitched the supernatural sun god Zeus. With their ride to the west, however, Europe not only gave the Europeans the name of their continent, but also the art of writing using the alphabet or the shipbuilding techniques of the seafaring Phoenicians. The real core of the myth of the seduction of Europe, however, is the blossoming of the Greco-Oriental culture after the dark centuries at the end of the Bronze Age.

Deeply impressed by this huge legend of the founding of European civilization, which goes back to the introduction of agriculture in Europe, the Dortmund numismatics producer Le Grand Mint proudly presents the seduction of Europe as an opulent masterpiece of coin design.

Artistically implemented by Carmen Testa, “The Seduction of Europe” forms the glamorous start of the new “Mythos” Wonderful World Collection, which will be continued and which now invites you to collect. The virtuoso designer lives and works in Rome and is an expert in her field. The Italian artist designed a series of coins for the 2018 Winter Olympics and is an expert on Greek-Roman mythology.

The brand new noble medal designed by Carmen Testa features detailed representations of the symbols of Greek sagas, legends and myths. The protective, peaceful owl of Minerva stands out on the silver jewel just as finely worked out as Zeus, who appears defensive with his god lightning. On the reverse of the Le Grand Mint high relief coin, valued at a nominal value of 25 livre, also emblazoned the label of the Dortmund company, which was embossed using the Supreme Minting technology process. The front side not only charms with the dynamic main motif, but also shows the most important star formations of the ancient Greeks, which already showed the beautiful Phoenician Europe the way in the right direction. The portrait of Europe, clad in a billowing cape, is filigree in the 999.9 fine silver coinage. Just as fascinating when looking at the great work of art is the vivid plastic bull ridden by Europe at a gallop under the epochal starry sky. This coin seduces at first sight.

The latest precious coinage of the silver coin collection The Wonderful World will soon be published in the usual high quality in limited editions. The myth lives on. 

One ounce in the capsule of fine silver is delivered (about 31.1 g).

Numismatic data

Country of origin: Germany

Mint: Le Grand Mint

Fine weight: 31.1 g

Fineness: 999.9 / 1000 silver

Denomination: 25 LGM Livres

Diameter: 38.60 mm

Min days: 999

Quality: PP / Proof

Year: 2021

Certificate: Yes

Floating Frame: Yes

The brand-new precious medal designed by Carmen Testa shows the symbols of the Greek sagas, legends and myths in a detailed manner. The protective, peaceful owl of Minerva stands out on the silver gem just as finely worked out as Zeus, who appears defensive with his divine lightning. The reverse of the Le Grand Mint high relief coin, which has a nominal value of 25 livre, also features the Dortmund-based company's label, which was embossed using the Supreme Minting technology process. The front not only captivates with the dynamic main motif, but also shows the most important star formations of the ancient Greeks, which already showed the beautiful Phoenician Europe the right direction. The portrait of Europa, dressed in a flowing cape, has been delicately worked out in the 999.9 fine silv