Custom LED EL Light Suit Tron party costumes x2 (laptop and software included).

These are 2 sets of LED EL light suit costumes that come equipped with battery packs, RF controllers, and a laptop with installed specialist software for creating light sequences for performances (all included). 

Costume 1 (bigger costume) - suitable for both men and women, it can comfortably fit persons up to 6 feet tall.

Costume 2 (smaller costume) - suitable for women and men of smaller size. 

Both costumes suitable for older kids/teens also.

The laptop and laptop case is included and comes with the special software installed, for creating and setting sequences for producing light show performances. The LED costume lights are synced wirelessly to the laptop, and will light up at the press of a button (for the sequences) or light up in response to sound.

I am selling these as they were used for a research and development project and are no longer required. Both costumes were worn three times with the LED lights tested twice. The costumes were tailor made in China and the full set was costed thousands of pounds in total (including shipping and taxes).

These would be perfect for parties, light display shows/performances, dance performances, light exhibitions, and more.