Duncan yo-yo Mondial, original Aluminum Yo-yo

At the time, the Duncan Mondial was considered one of the most advanced yo-yos ever designed. It had the following characteristics: 

• Made of aircraft aluminum. 
• Rim-weighted for long sleepers. 
• Ballbearing transaxle for maximum spins. 
• Patent-pending ratchet string gap adjustment has more than 50 settings. Distance between each setting is half the width of a human hair. Steel pins hold your exact setting in place. 
• Patent-pending injection system let you lubricate the bearing without taking the yo-yo apart. 
• Reservoir held enough lube for you to play all day. 
• Rubber rims cushion impact on your hand. 
• Developed specifically to the outstanding challenges of freestyle performance. 
• Precision-designed in Germany. 

The Mondial was originally released directly from its German yo-yo manufacturer "Came-Yo" in 1998.  Several years later, Duncan bought the rights to the Mondial and rebranded the yo-yo with "Duncan Mondial" engraved on it instead of "Came-Yo Mondial". 

Original retail price: $99 US.