Frankie Carle - "Carle Comes Calling" RKO, 1947, 16mm, 800ft reel. Frankie at the piano. "Carle meets Chopin" - wonderful. With Marjorie Hughes, Greg Lawrence, and Joey Preston. Beautiful original print with RKO logo.

All prints are Originals except where noted. No vinegar smell. All films have leader. The pictures taken are run through a Eiki Slim Line Projector and projected onto a screen. The projected images will be sharper than they appear in my photos.

I have been dealing 16 mm film for over 40 years. I recently purchased a magnificent top quality film collection. As a result I will be processing this collection and my own collection as I simply have more material than I have room for. I will be selling off thousands of top-tier features, as well as thousands of IB Technicolor cartoons, television shows, and short subjects. Virtually everything I am selling off will be top tier and top condition. Many prints will be extremely rare and possibly one of a kind.

I do not have a list and I will not be making one so please don't ask. I am processing thousands of reels of film and will be selling them off weekly over the course of the next few years. I will be putting up new material several times a week and running auctions every Sunday.