William S. Burroughs in the Dreamachine [New DVD] Full Frame, Dolby

Title: William S. Burroughs in the Dreamachine

Format: DVD

Label: Cult Epics

Genre: Special Interest-Documentary

UPC: 881190013496

Release Date: 2015

The Dreamachine created in the early 1960s by artist Brion Gysin and mathematician Ian Sommerville is possibly the most effective of all the brain-wave simulators, which can create hallucinations and induced visions, without the use of drugs. When Beatnik writer William S. Burroughs (Junkie, Naked Lunch) introduced it to a wider audience in the 1980s it became a phenomenon in the underground scene, and was re-introduced by Dr. David Woodard in the 1990s when he started re-creating the Dreamachines. In this document filmmaker and photographer Jon Aes-Nihil films Woodard and Burroughs at LACMA, Los Angeles, California (1996, featuring Allen Ginsberg and Leonardo DiCaprio), the Nova Convention, Lawrence, Kansas (1996) and visits Burroughs at his home (1997), recording the last footage of him, in a conversation on drugs and government policies, 6 months prior to his passing.

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