Confusion magick isn't talked about much, some workers consider it a form of hexing but I consider it a sort of non-confrontational magick. This oil works well when used with a black candle to confuse someone who has been gossiping, lying, slandering, trying to get you fired, trying to split up you and your significant other, someone who may bare false witness in a legal proceeding, or perhaps a house guest that has overstayed their welcome. Or on someone who just annoys the hell out of you. There are many uses for this inconspicuous magick. I say inconspicuous because it confuses the target to the point that they don't even know who's been working on them! Often times, my clients say they just stopped hearing from the person causing the troubles. It's like they get confused and just wander away! You can also use this oil to twist, or confuse, workings set against you and send them off in another direction! I recommend using this with my Serket bath salts to thoroughly cleanse yourself of any residual chaotic energy floating about. Created with 3 sets of triple (9 total) "twisting" herbs/oils such as galangal root, vervain, rue, poppy seeds, patchouli, guinea pepper, vervain oil and a very secret ingredient used only by seasoned hoodoos;) Use this oil on an appropriate gender, black figure candle for best results. thanks for looking! bless!