Boutique Scented Candles Glass Jar Fragrance Wax Home Wedding Decorative Candle


Fill your home with a wonderful aroma featuring these gorgeous hand-poured candles from Lesser & Pavey. The candles come in a clear glass jar with a golden lid, which will act as a beautiful decor addition to your room.

  • Each candle jar is labeled with different themes with

    their corresponding scents

  • Each candle is encased in a clear glass jar with a gold lid
  • There is a small ribbon design embedded with sparkling diamantes
  • Candles have a burn time of approximately 14 hours
  • Glass Jar Dimensions: H: 10cm x D: 9cm
  • Capacity: 200ml ( 6.75oz ) Approx.
  • Perfect for a wedding gift or present for your loved ones

Product Scents:

  • Family - White Cotton Linen
  • Fabulous Friend - Pomegranate Noir
  • Home - Peony & Blush Suede
  • Love - Velvet Rose & Oud
  • Mr. & Mrs. - White Cotton Linen


  • Actual colours of the items might be slightly different from the

    images due to different types/settings on monitors & phone screens