Voracious Scourge’s debut release, ...Our Demise is a monstrous ep comprising some of the best members in death metal. You have Adrie Kloosterwaard from Sinister, doing the vox, Mike Smith, ex-Suffocation drummer, Jason McIntyre and Lance Strickland, from Suture on guitar and bass. This 5-song ep is so damn killer.””You think you know well played, dynamic brutal death metal? Well wait until you hear this ep. It will lop your head clean off your shoulders from thousands of miles away. You want brutality?? No one and I mean NO ONE will be left standing at the one minute 50 second mark on “Harbinger Of Our Own Demise”. A moment of such perfect, violent and catchy brutality which redefines how true brutal death metal is meant to be played. Luckily this section is repeated a little later on and I swear I saw cars drive off bridges and plummet a few hundred feet into the ocean.
“Fortuity of the Deceived” begins with a brutal blast and we are reminded why Mike Smith is still one of the strongest death metal drummers around. He seems extra angry on this ep as he is literally bashing the crap out of the drums. The 1 minute groove mark is so catchy and disgustingly brutal I literally went outside and grew 400 ft, and became Godzilla. I proceeded to cause sinkholes and vaporize towns from my atomic breath, because this part is so heavy. I then began to swing my tail around and I believe and don’t quote me, but I think I took out 20 city blocks in one fell swoop. Sorry people. Closing track, “Oracle of Repugnance” has an awesome opening blast with some killer guitar melodies.
Adrie is vomiting forth scathing vocals that are tearing off heads all over the place. The 1.17 part is a bit of atmospheric slow melody and female spoken vocals. Really took me by surprise and nice thumping bass guitar. Guitar riff comes back with vocals and this part screams epic!! Hold up your horns and bow to Voracious Scourge. Nice killer double bass, over the blast and more epic like qualities. I would imagine these moments would be expanded upon on a full length album. Monstrous drum fills by Smith and more of the guitar melodies over the blast. This may be the most adventurous song Jason McIntyre has written.
The production is great and powerful. These were shared files, so I imagine once I get the physical cd they will sound even better. This is one of the strongest ep’s I have heard and was upset it was over so quickly. The cover for Voracious Scourge’s ...Our Demise is one of the most spectacular and eye-catching covers I have ever seen. This needs to be on a long sleeve. Monstrous release. Buy or Die!
Written by Frank Rini