The Beatles Swan Song: "She Loves You" & Other Records by Bruce Spizer

The Beatles Swan Song is the sixth and final installment in Bruce Spizer's critically acclaimed books on the Beatles' American records. It tells the fascinating stories behind the records released by companies that had the rights to only a limited number of Beatles recordings. These labels included Swan, United Artists, Decca, MGM, Atco and Polydor, each trying to exploit Beatlemania to the fullest, often milking a cash cow even when they had no legitimate cow to milk. The book also covers the singles and albums released by Capitol Records in the 70s and 80s, including theme albums such as Rock 'N' Roll Music and Love Songs, as well as The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl, Rarities, and the unreleased Sessions LP. The book is printed on high quality glossy paper, with nearly 1,000 color images throughout.