G'day from Down Under, Reader, and welcome to my listing,

The coaster in the photo is sold and is on here only as a display piece, should anyone be interested in one of these. Having made one, I'm sure I can make others and if any of my readers is interested in one, either let me know via email or simply purchase the one in the listing. The one you receive won't be identical to the one in the listing but it will differ  in stone placement only, as stone placement is always a fairly random system. But that is what makes these coasters so unique; no two will ever be exactly the same.

Here we have a coaster, in which the bottom half of the base is heavily impregnated with Shungite dust. Shungite has a close affinity with water and has a reputation as a water purifier since time immemorial; apparently, it's all about the Fullerenes in Shungite. Place your drink of water on this coaster and it will purify the water and structure it for you. This is not something I'm just making up; my reader can verify everything being stated here in relation to Shungite on the internet. There is one important proviso, however. For the Shungite to work in the way nature designed it to work, one has to provide Shungite with the kind of water nature originally designed, clean and pure - no town water supply will magically become structured by it. Town water supply is full of industrial waste chemicals, and soft metals, like Barium and others, not just Fluoride. My advice to my reader is to drink only distilled water, or water purified through a reverse osmosis (RO) system. It is extremely telling that nature ONLY makes distilled water by way of rain or overnight precipitation, but nowadays even rain water gets polluted on its fall back to Earth. Try not to let those in 'authority' use your body to dispose of their industrial waste - which is what Fluoride is - and which is what they're doing at present. They can't get get rid of Fluoride in any other way. They can't simply dump the stuff into our waterways and seas, because it is so highly toxic! So, they tell us it's good for us, put it into our town water supply in very low doses and we unwittingly dispose of it all by filtering it all through our body. Problem solved for those producing the industrial waste product called Fluoride! Not bad huh? All one needs is a good story - a myth - which no one in the public arena can verify, or prove, and which leaves the public no option but to trust those supposedly in-the-know and Bingo! All of a sudden, they have a ready-made disposal system for industrial waste by way of the millions of human bodies that rely on water. Water, in this case, has effectively been weaponised against the very life forms that rely on it to exist. With this myth of Fluoride giving us pearly whites they get the population to drink highly toxic industrial waste chemicals, in order to dispose of those chemicals. Too easy! Google 'Fluorosis' and my reader will soon see the dangers of too much Fluoride. My question is: how can something like Fluoride, which utterly destroys teeth and bones in larger quantities actually be good for you in small doses? Perhaps Arsenic in small doses can be healthy too? But this is how ludicrous mythmaking can get: they are now considering adding Lithium to the water supply to lower the incidence of depression and suicide. Does my reader want a daily dose of Lithium with their Fluoride? Where will it all end? When we're all critically ill and on death's door? Because that will ultimately be the result!

The coil my reader sees in the plate is a full sized Royal Cubit, or 524mm. Unlike the Amulet, the coil in this one is placed facing away from the Shungite base, so that the Anions coming off of it are being directed upwards to help with the structuring and purification of drinks placed on it.

Surrounding the coil are pieces of Chalcopyrite and Pyrite, in this case, but one can also have other stones, such as Amethyst or any other crystal one desires, if one wishes to order one specifically. I'm quite enamoured with both Shungite and the Pyrites. Perhaps it's all the fire involved in pyramids and Pyrite that resonates with me, a Sagittarian, after all, the pyramid is the Platonic Solids' symbol for the fire signs of the Zodiac, of which Sagittarius is one. If my reader is Aries, Leo or Sagittarius they will be naturally drawn to the fire stones and symbols herein.

I have put the price of these at $75 for a single coaster, but if any of my readers wished a set of six I would charge $50.00 ea or $300 for the six.

I personally adore the starry look of the plate. Quite apart from its look, though, this is as fair dinkum a structuring plate as I can put together.
