Fancy Jumbo Size SNOWDROP (Galanthus Nivalis) bulbs first sign of spring and shade tolerant hardy perennial, maintenance free, that come back years after year as the first flower in the garden announcing the joy and start of a new growing year.  

They are fast multipliers grow into bigger clumps year after year, can develop into a beautiful white flower carpet very earlier in the season that waken up the garden and the spirit.   They are very hardy, they can survive anywhere, even the spots other plants won't grow!

A great charming gift creating a warm memory that comes back year after year and become bigger and bigger until cover the entire land with a glorious white flower carpet!  First sign of the spring before the snow was even melted, a sweetheart with tough fighting spirit.  They got not just a charming face, but also functional can be used to make fragrant oil and soap!


Galanthus nivalis–The SNOWDROP is a delight and the true quintessential harbinger of spring. The first flowers frequently pop from the soil when snow is still on the ground. Undaunted, the brave little blossoms withstand the trials of late snowstorms even after beginning to bloom during earlier warm days. Growing into large clumps, they will brighten the shadiest spots in the garden. A stalwart perennial, they come back each spring, better every year. Easily one of the best spring blooming bulbs available! 

While not native to the United States, they can naturalize readily, forming noninvasive drifts of bee-friendly blossoms. On a warm spring day, the flowers are often abuzz with the activity of awakening local hives. As one of the few very early blooming flowers, they are welcome relief to the meager winter availability. Once established, you will likely see many pollinator species being nurtured by the blooms.


Bloom time: February-March
Hardiness: Zone 3-8
Height: 5"-10" (12cm-25cm);  height will be determined by how much light they receive and by the quality of the soil & nutrition
Resistant to deer and other critters.


Free Return or Replacement if you are not happy with your order
The bulbs will be freshly dug the date of shipping.
They will be washed and well packed to ensure safe arrival.

Bulbs will be shipped bareroot, except from March to Earlier May, the bulbs will have leaves on
Free Return in 30 days.