Genuine Sheepskin Rug Double Pelt Taupe Brown Sheepskin Throw Rug Fur 2 x 6 ft Large Australian Sheep Skin Rug Fur 2 Pelts


Size: 2 ft X 6 ft Approx.
Soft & Fluffy
Natural Shape and fully tanned
Color: Taupe Brown [ May Vary from light to Dark]

Our sheepskins are selected for their softness, density and wool lustre, and you can use them for seating, dressing or flooring.

Each of our sheepskin rugs is unique and ethically sourced, completely natural, with no harsh chemicals or dyes used in the manufacturing process, the treatment process our sheepskins go through ensures that the skin is free from odors and highly resistant to shedding.


Our product is natural and will not be 100% same as pictured. Every sheepskin is different from the other in shades, colors, pattern, size and appearance. But genuine and fresh leather is guaranteed. Only if the product you received is not found genuine, damage or not as described then you can ask for return.