Amazing North American Petrified Head!!.

So I have a once in a lifetime find. I have what I believe to be a stone head of a Neanderthal or a Homo Erectus. I personally found this item myself, and I also found right next to it what I believe to be a finger. I will include the finger if full asking price is recieved. I am also willing to let you fly to me or drive and examine the item in person before purchasing. Although the purchase will still have to be made through the eBay app due to policies. I have tried myself having the piece looked at and in my state all colleges are directed to send any similar requests to the state archeologist and I have reached out to him multiple times with no response at all. So I am now just going to attempt to sell on my own. 

I am hoping that the right person will come along and purchase this item.(the right person being someone that maybe has more ties in this area of expertise than I personally do) I know that this has a huge level of historical importance and its value in my opinion is technically priceless... unfortunately I am in a position of financial difficulties and I have hit wall on what to do next. I really would like for this to end up in someone's hands who could actually possibly take it to the next level with things. I know there is more to this than one would think on initial find.