This is a ladies shoe size 9, if I remember correctly.   

I have been an artist all my life, I began as an oil-on-cavas artist doing landscapes at 7 years old.  Over time I started a murals and decorative arts business at 28 and at 48 I closed the business due to a slowly developing fear of heights, which you cannot have as a muralist.  (Didn't have the safety harness on, and nearly stepped backwards into the abyss one fine day...)

Recently retired, at 68, I discovered both steampunk and the art form known as Assemblage.  And fell in love anew.  Assemblage is the art of placing items together to create the composition I, as a landscape artist, used to call "background"- sky, "mid-ground" - mountains, "foreground" - trees, rivers, grassland etc., "details" - birds in the air, rocks, and other small details.  Having spent my artistic life in 2 dimensions fooling the eye into believing it was viewing 3 dimensions, to work as sculptures do in 3 dimensions was, by turns, liberating, stimulating, thrilling and just good-old-fashion-fun.

I did a series of steampunk items a couple of shoes and a Childs Volkswagen, this is one of those shoes.  You can view the other shoe and the VW in my store.