The Tunnel: Series 1 to 3 DVD (2018) Stephen Dillane cert 15 6 discs Great Value

Title: The Tunnel: Series 1 to 3 Leading Actor: Stephen Dillane Region: Region 2 Duration: 1080 mins Format: DVD / Box Set Type: DVD No. of Discs: 6 disc(s) Studio / Publisher: RLJ Entertainment UK Release Date: 22 Jan 2018 Edition: Box Set

All the episodes from the first three series of the British-French crime drama adapted from the Scandinavian television show 'The Bridge'. When a serial killer leaves the upper body of a French politician and the lower half of a British prostitute's body in the Channel Tunnel between France and the UK, police detectives Karl Roebuck (Stephen Dillane) and Elise Wassermann (Cl�mence Po�sy) must work together to capture the perpetrator and prevent further lives from being claimed. What follows is a professional relationship between the two as they aim to prevent the safety of their respective countries being compromised.

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