Can use Tesla green plate for heart, put plate in left side shirt blouse pocket upon heart. Increases yield 30 % or double 100% in 3 years outdoors or indoors needs ground rod photo. Photo use ground meter tester ( not included electrical receptacle circuit tester 3 prong polarity/ground tester about $ 5 ebay or hardware store ) to insure outlet wring is correct for earthing plants or earthing healing. To verify magnetic poles use compass ( not included ) the two disc magnets included shipped, the compass pointer reverses North negative - to South positive + when South end of disc is next to pointer. Professor Lakhovsky copper coil gap between copper ends must be keep one eight inch apart or better 1/16" to ensure natural quantum leap electrons from one end of copper wire to the other end sub electrical current flow, ends should not contact or sub electrical flow stops. May research online and on you tube Lakhovsky copper coil. Sub electrons voltage electricity is same in natural micro volt in plants, animals, and  humans cells is why heals. When stick copper gap coil in moist soil organisms in soil plant get copper mineral molecules supplementation and sub electricity also to plant roots. Professor Tesla green plates energizes water, plants and soil organisms. Zinc iron wire can be on top of soil or under soil. Affix magnet on wire end North negative - pole, have magnet poles aligned to earth's magnetic poles. Photo clip onto galvanized zinc wire in soil or for hydroponic place either or both galvanized wire magnetized and copper ring in water. When wire is outdoors under soil seal magnet(s) in wax or indoors magnets sealed in clear tape. At South end pole wire, bend wire up, so sticks up out of ground as an antenna. Mark indoor plant container where wire is pointing North. Photo other end of clips onto rod onto grounded outlet extension cord. Photo long copper wire form into a copper spiral ring, place this upon soil coil, to function as an antenna. Full Lost Cubit - ( 23.49 inches ) 177 MHz frequency, Full Sacred Cubit - ( 20.6 inches ) 144 MHz frequency. Average Lost and Sacred cubit is 21.5 inches. Length of long thin copper wire shipped is 10.75 inches, other thick copper wire is about 5.33. Shipped two sets wire clips, two 2 inch ground rods, two 5 inch zinc iron wires, two copper wires, 2 rare earth disc magnets, 2 Tesla green plates ( all instructions are in this ad, no instruction paper sheet included, copy paste hold computer pointer over words click then move cursor over words until blue right click copy then paste into documents and/or USB storage hard thumb drive ) May research for further agriculture based on this zinc wire magnet antenna is Paramagnetism Phillip Callahan USDA. Research online testimonies and You Tube electro culture and testimonies of what to expect using plates ( ebay no allow web page links ) One aspect is plate will not revert rancid food to normal taste, yet plate will preserve foods for a period of time. Photo plausible proof cauliflower sliced in half stored about a month in refrigerator, side without pyramid plate has brownish top, other side on top of pyramid plate multi colored has no brownish. Molecules crystals pyramids surface plate. Pyramid has a funnel function shape V collects energy free in outer space. Scalar energy pass over through spaces between molecules plastic, paint, stain, dye, but plate out of plastic plate is best for healing Molecules micro pyramids on  surface of metal tags plates. REASON WHY THESE TESLA  PLATES ARE ECONOMICAL IS  NO LOGO  AD ( photos pyramid on Mars is also pyramid molecule tetrahedron 3 sides and 1 bottom base pyramid )