Three in Death: Midnight in Death, Interlude in Death & Haunted in Death by J D Robb

Read by Susan Ericksen
Brilliance Audio
3 Unabridged Novellas on 3 MP3 Compact Discs
Approx. 9 Hours

ROMANTIC-SUSPENSE: 3 Books in One Package, including....

Midnight in Death: Eve's name has made a Christmas list, but it's not for being naughty or nice. It's for putting a serial killer behind bars. Now the escaped madman has her in his sights. With her husband, Roarke, at her side, Eve must stop the man from exacting his bloody vengeance - or die trying…

Interlude in Death: In early spring of 2059, Lieutenant Eve Dallas is called off planet to face a grueling ordeal - giving a seminar at the largest police conference of the year, to be held in a swanky resort. It's supposed to be at least partly a vacation, but work intrudes in the form of a bloody homicide. The case is complicated by Eve's personal history with the victim - and by the killer's history with Roarke.

Haunted in Death Number Twelve is an urban legend in 2060 New York City. The hot club in the 1960s, it is now reported to be haunted…and cursed. Lieutenant Eve Dallas is called there to investigate the apparent murder of Radcliff Hopkins, its new owner and the grandson of the man who made Number Twelve a cultural icon. With everyone around her talking about the supernatural, pragmatic Eve won't let rumors of ghosts distract her from hard evidence. Adult Fiction.