Metal Flat Bar Screed Chairs for 3/8 in. x 2 in. Flat Bar by Red Line Manufacturing. Flat bar screed chairs are strong, sturdy and leave a smaller gap to fill.

Package of New Flat Bar Metal Screed Chairs, Heavy Duty for larger screeds.

Grade Tool is not included in this listing.

Metal Flat Bar Screed Chairs are used to hold a 3/8 in. x 2 in. flat bar to create a temporary rail at concrete grade for your screed to ride on. This will help to give you a flatter more accurate finished product. Our Screed Chairs are manufactured in the USA from metal that is manufactured in the USA. Metal Screed Chairs are virtually indestructible and can be used over and over again. 

 Metal Screed Chairs are used when pouring up against a building or a wall or when the pad you are pouring is wider than your screed, you can set them in the center to hold a metal pipe at grade to screed off of. A Must for garage floors, basement floors, shop floors, and all concrete pad sizes. They can be used when pouring footings to give you a perfectly flat footing surface without having to use forms (see instructional videos). 

Metal Screed Chairs can also be used to help get your subgrade to perfect levels. Used for gravel leveling for concrete pads, or sand base leveling for patio or brick pavers, or even used for leveling dirt for landscaped areas (see instructional videos). 

To use Metal Screed Chairs you must first set a stringline to finished grade. If your pouring next to a wall you need to keep the stringline about 12" to 16" away from the wall to leave room for your screed to move. Next you need to cut 1/2" rebar to 18" - 24" in length. Drive those rebars next to the stringline every 2'-3' apart. Using a hammer, drive the rebar into the ground until the top of the rebar is about the same level as the string line, then using the grade tool, finish driving them with a hammer till the pointer on the tool lines up with the string line (the grade tool is designed for a 3/8 in x 2 in. flat bar). 

If you are not using the grade tool you can use a tape measurer to set the top of the rebar to 2-3/8” below the stringline.Next place the Flat Bar Metal Screed Chair on top of these rebars to provide a saddle for the temporary screed rail. A 2" x 3/8" flat metal bar, 10’-20’ long is used and is slid forward to the next set of Metal Screed Chairs after you have screed through that section of the concrete, leaving the Screed Chairs free to remove, wash off and reuse. Use these against a building or in the center of a larger pour to provide an accurate and moveable screed system. 

We have grade plates you can install if you’re driving the rebars in softer ground to help keep the rebars from sinking while screeding (recommended when using heavy screed pipes or larger screeding equipment). The grade tool, grade plates and other accessories are available to purchase separately. The grade tool makes setting the chairs to grade very easy and quick. 

Please watch our instructional videos to learn how to use Metal Screed Chairs along with all the accessories. 

Contact us for a discount quote on larger quantities. 

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