Dr. Quigley, Dr. Vecchi, and Dr. Wallace bring the second edition of the The Evidence-Based Hostage/Crisis Negotiation Reference Guide.  The first edition was published and distributed throughout the Hostage / Crisis Negotiation community with the hope of feedback to assist in this new publication. The positive and negative feedback (and there were many) brought about the changes hereto. The results created the following:
1) A zippered A5 binder to hold notes from callouts.
2) A notes section at the end of the book.
3) Chapter takeaways for summaries to resort to for ease of
4) Some concepts needed to be explained more thoroughly.
5) The addition of the revised Behavioral Influence Stairway Model.
6) All references at the end of the book.
7) An additional Appendix for Mental Health Professional contacts.
8) Additions to the Evidence Based Hostage / Crisis Negotiation
Reference Guide Paperwork.