
Taylor Swift- Speak Now (Taylor's Version Orchid Marbled Vinyl)

Vinyl 3LP


Cover:Picture Gatefold
Pressung:US - Reissue
Sofort lieferbar.

2023 Reissue as Taylor's Version.

EU Pressing Orchid Marbled Triple Vinyl in Gatefold Sleeve.

Multiple Grammy Award winner Taylor Swift releases "Speak Now" (Taylor's Version) a re-release of her 2010 album "Speak Now". The album, which was written solely by the singer, features brutal honesty and diary-like confessions. "Speak Now" (Taylor's Version) marks the third re-release of her first six studio albums. Previously, Taylor Swift released "Fearless" (Taylor's Version) & "Red" (Taylor's Version). Her last studio album "Midnights" even reached #1 in the German charts. "Speak Now" (Taylor's Version) contains 6 tracks (From the Vault) in addition to the 16 songs already released in 2010, which will feature Fall Out Boy & Hayley Williams of Paramore, among others. The multiple diamond award-winning artist recorded the album again at the age of 32, which makes a reference to the lyrics of her song "Never Grow Up" ("32 and still growing up now").

Each vinyl album includes: 22 songs including 6 previously unreleased songs (From The Vault), collectible album sleeve with unique front and back cover, 3 unique colors purple(THIS), lilac or orchid, depending on the product marbled vinyl discs, collectible album sleeves with song lyrics and never before seen photos and a photo and prologue in the gatefold cover.


A1.Mine (Taylor's Version)
A2.Sparks Fly (Taylor's Version)
A3.Back To December (Taylor's Versi...
A4.Speak Now (Taylor's Version)
B1.Dear John (Taylor's Version)
B2.Mean (Taylor's Version)
B3.The Story Of Us (Taylor's Versio...
B4.Never Grow Up (Taylor's Version)
C1.Enchanted (Taylor's Version)
C2.Better Than Revenge (Taylor's Ve...
C3.Innocent (Taylor's Version)
C4.Haunted (Taylor's Version)
D1.Last Kiss (Taylor's Version)
D2.Long Live (Taylor's Version)
D3.Ours (Taylor's Version)
D4.Superman (Taylor's Version)
E1.Electric Touch (Taylor's Version...Fall Out Bo...
E2.When Emma Falls In Love (Taylor'...
E3.I Can See You (Taylor's Version)...
F1.Castles Crumbling (Taylor's Vers...Hayley Will...
F2.Foolish One (Taylor's Version) (...
F3.Timeless (Taylor's Version) (Fro...

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International shipping takes place with the German post service or DHL. The shipping of 1-3 vinyl records takes place with the German post service priority airmail and is uninsured. That is to say that we’re not obliged to any liability for conveyed items in this shipping method. Nevertheless, in a given case we’ll of course try to encounter you with the best goodwill. The shipping as from 4 vinyl records is always insured and includes Tracking – accordingly we take any liability for the delivery of the items. Please also take note that deliveries to non-EU countries are subject to additional duties and fees.