Our premium dried cloves are available in 10g, 50g, 100g, 200g, 500g, and 1kg quantities, all at extremely competitive prices while maintaining the highest quality.

Dried cloves are small, unopened flower buds that possess a warm, sweet, and slightly bitter flavor with a pungent aroma. A staple in Asian, African, and Middle Eastern cuisines, cloves are known to lend depth and richness to meats, curries, and marinades, as well as add a unique touch to fruit dishes and hot beverages.

Cloves have been used for centuries in traditional medicine practices like Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and Western herbalism. They are known for their antiseptic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties, often used to alleviate toothaches, improve digestion, and treat colds and flu. Their warming and stimulating qualities make them a popular choice in aromatherapy, especially for digestive issues.

Our favorite ways to use dried cloves are:

-Infusing them into hot beverages like tea, cider, or mulled wine for a warm and comforting drink

-Incorporating them into spice blends like pumpkin pie spice, garam masala, and speculoos spices for a fragrant and flavorful touch

-Adding them to slow-cooked dishes, such as stews, curries, or braises, to elevate the flavor profile and create a harmonious blend of spices

-Studding fruits like apples, pears, or oranges with cloves for a fragrant, flavorful, and visually appealing dish

Allergy Advice: This product may contain peanuts, tree nuts, milk, lupin, sesame seeds, soybeans, mustard, cereals containing gluten, sulphur dioxide, and sulphites.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place. To maintain freshness, store in an airtight container after opening.