Benefits of diffusing essential oils:


  • Peppermint Essential Oil - An easily recognizable fragrance, Peppermint is a refreshing and uplifting oil. It is a great decongestant as it contains the all-important menthol which is perfect for clearing the sinuses and the mind. Peppermint is a fantastic oil to use in emergency sunburn treatment.
  • Lavender Essential Oil - One of the most widely known oils, Lavender is famed for its soporific properties and its ability to aide a sleep routine. It is also an antiseptic that can be used in cleaning products. It has a distinctive smell that is fresh and soothing and is excellent in diffusers.
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil - One of the most popular oils, Tea Tree, has a myriad of uses. Being a natural antiseptic and antibacterial it is often used in cleaning products and is an excellent winter protection oil. Diffuse round the home to ward off viruses. Take care around animals that the scent is not too strong.
  • Lemongrass Essential Oil - Used a lot in oriental cuisine Lemongrass is a pungent plant. As an oil, it is incredibly useful as it has a stimulating effect on the body. It can combat tiredness and is excellent for the skin when used in creams.