Formulated with cutting edge color-adapting technology and enriched with nourishing ingredients to naturally enhance your beautiful self, with every use. We are dedicated to expanding our shade range as the first K-Beauty brand to ensure inclusivity is evident throughout our values and our products.


🍃 Kokum Butter - A plant-based oil known for its powerful moisturizing properties, without clogging pores.

🍃 Grapeseed Oil - Helps heal acne while reducing the appearance of blemishes.

🍃 Cica - An incredibly moisturizing ingredient that helps heal, soothe, and strengthen.

🍃 Vitamin C - Assists in brightening dark spots while supporting healthy collagen production, increasing skin's firmness and elasticity.

🍃 Aloe Leaf Extract - Helps nourish complexion by soothing and hydrating.


✓ Full Coverage 

✓ Moisturizing & hydrating 

✓ Youth-promoting 

✓ SPF 30 & PA++
