1.Product name: Moxibustion Navel Patch
2. Including: 30 pcs of moxibustion pill and 30 pcs of pastes
3.Origin: Nanyang China
4.Ingredients:This duct uses Wormwood Leaves as raw materials, dries and smashes Wormwood Leaves to make wormwood to velvet shape and portionally adds crushed longan, pepper, Angelica dahurica, tangerine peel, cinnamon, Poria cocos, Cinnamon Twig and clove group to make ball shaped moxibustion belly button paste.
5.Usage method: It is recommended to stick one capsule before going to bed every night and remove it after getting up the next day. It is better to use it together with Yongquan point on the soles of the feet.
6.Unsuitable crowd: Forbidden for those with damaged skin; It is forbidden for those allergic to moxibustion; Pregnant women, those with heart and brain disorders are forbidden; Children need to be used under recognized care; This duct can only be used externally, please do not take it internally; This duct is a daily used duct and cannot replace medicine.
9.Storage method: Ventilated and dry place.


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