Snake Queen Hinduism Goddess Princess Dragon Gold Worship Devi Manasa Angel
material/ brass
size/ 0.6 x 0.6 x 1.25 inches
colour/ gold
quantity/ 1 pc
Daughter of Lord Shiva
Mother Marisa, Mother Mansa Devi Goddess of Serpents Daughter of Shiva Marisa is the daughter of Lord Shiva. where he is the god of serpents and nagas In which the goddess has the divinity of a beautiful goddess and often has snakes wrapped around her neck, arms, etc. Our Lady has a white goose on a vehicle. There are many myths and legends about the birth of the Virgin Mary. Some legends say that she is the daughter of Lord Shiva without mentioning any other consort. Another legend has it that he is the son of the father of Hermit Kasayapa and Phra Mae Katru. (Mother of Nagas) Mother is equal to being the sister of the Ananta Naga and various Nagas. Marisa was the wife of a hermit named "Charasgaru" and had a son named "Ashtika".