Special Double Roasted Turkish Delight in Gold Box

Indulge in a sensory journey with our exceptional Turkish Delights, each meticulously crafted in small cauldrons with a boutique approach, resulting in a taste and texture that's truly extraordinary.

Exquisite Assortment:
This opulent gold box houses a selection of Turkish Delights that promises an unparalleled taste adventure. Discover a lavish assortment of flavors, each a masterpiece:

Finest Ingredients:
Our Turkish Delights are meticulously prepared using:

Allergy Alert:
Please be mindful of allergies, as our product contains Hazelnut, Peanut, and Almond. It also includes Peanuts and Almonds.

Storage Guidelines:
To preserve the sumptuous quality, store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Package Details:
Each gold box contains an ample 750g of Turkish Delights, offering around 100 delectable pieces. A lavish assortment of taste and texture awaits, ready to dazzle your senses.

Gourmet Journey of Taste:
Indulge in the luxurious world of Turkish Delights with our Special Double Roasted Turkish Delight in Gold Box. This assortment brings together the art of fine craftsmanship and the richness of flavors, allowing you to savor each bite as a treasured experience.