Plastic Chain For Chain Barrier - NET WORLD SPORTS

Ultra-durable plastic chains. Available in lengths of 5m or 25m and 6mm or 8mm in thickness. Maximum strength & stability provided by long-lasting PE materials. Available in 8 vibrant colours.

Available in lengths of 5m or 25m and thicknesses of 6mm or 8mm, allowing a variety of options to create your own unique set up. Choose from 8 colours; red & white, black & yellow, red, white, black, yellow, blue, or green. The plastic chains unmatched adaptability makes them perfect for usage both indoors and outdoors in a variety of circumstances when a barrier system is required. They are incredibly versatile and particularly good in controlling crowds or enclosing unsafe areas. Chain barriers are perfect for a wide range of locations and industries, including athletic clubs, industrial sites, commercial sites, building sites, leisure centres, swimming pool perimeters, and many more.



6mm Chain


8mm Chain








Net World Sports stock a complete range of Crowd Barrier Products. For posts & bases, chain connectors, complete sets & more, please visit NET WORLD SPORTS.CO.UK